Thursday, April 30, 2009

Account For Jesse Jane

"abuse of power" is not a book title ... A

... but rather a mode of governance.
small example which touches the south-Essonne:

The prefect of the Essonne just make an order (dated 13 March 2009) a project of General Interest (sic) , the private project of exploitation by the IDF of a SITA Centre ultimate waste storage * St. Escobille , and this e espite opposition repeated and unanimous
  • municipal councils Paux of 97 municipalities (to 15/04/09),
  • Community Commons Etampois of South-Essonne, in the Dourdannais Hurepoix, the Arpajonnais,
  • of 3 Unions Waters,
  • General Council of Essonne (3 motions in 2002, 2005, 2009),
  • the President of the Regional Council of Ile-de-France,
  • parliamentarians from all political spectrum (6 MPs French, 5 French senators, 5 MEPs including Vice President of European Parliament),
  • of 10 professional agricultural bodies,
  • of 26 associations,
  • populations concerned South Essonne
(*) Wastes that are no longer recoverable, either by recycling or by energy recovery. As such, they are statutorily alone can be stored (buried) in a Storage Centre Ultimate Waste (landfills).

This decision is regarded by politicians as a real denial of democracy .

dépolorez If you also not taking into account the expertise on environmental risks (Beauce groundwater threatened), health and economic , appointment for a rally on:

Monday, May 4 at 08:30 at the Prefecture of Essonne

Download complete information here: 4_mai 09. pdf


Tuesday, April 21, 2009

Black Cherry Hair Color Ideas

information difficult to digest!

brand Lesieur, oil wholesaler, bought cheaply a consignment of 40,000 tonnes of sunflower oil in Ukraine. The Ukraine, where Chernobyl is still widely contaminated ...

Exercising its business, the company sold the oil at a profit to other multinational agribusiness. A subsequent verification has revealed the presence fraudulent, in this batch, mineral oil for lubricating engines .

Although not established that this mixture is unsavory viciously toxic, had we been dealing with responsible people that this lot would have immediately joined the only destination that suited him: the trash.

What do you think arrived? These poisoners, whose greed as much as the cowardice are endless, have nevertheless decided knowingly use this oil to make up their products . The worst is that they have the agreement of the (French and European) have decreed that as long as the products do not contain more than 10%, no one should fall sick too!

They have to sell 40000 tonnes, slightly more than 5000 tons for France. That's about 100 grams of crap per capita to swallow!

Greece, where the authorities seem less irresponsible than ours, just react and ban the use of all lots since 1 January. But here in our supermarkets, so there are now products contaminated with motor oil!

Here are many brands involved, to boycott Emergency

• • • Fruit gold
Epi gold
• • • Isio 4
• • • Saupiquet
All brands of Unilever asp
• • • Mesh Planta End

• • • Magnum
• Mayonnaise •
Tarama Sauce Béarnaise

• • • Chips
Dressing Lean

• Celery • Surimi remoulade
• Canned fish soup
• Breaded Fish
• Veal Cutlets
• Tuna and sardines
• Spreads •
chocolate wafers with jam
• Cereal bars and sweetened for children • Cookies

You can call customer service at Lesieur 0810193702 (local call rate) to seek clarification! It seems that all the lots the BBD is April and May 2009 are recalled ... a little late anyway.

What will they do more than 40 million gallons of adulterated oil?? The number of calls that will determine the transparency happen.

is the Chained Duck who broke the story several weeks ago, again with the same day in the national media. Then more nothing, nobody cares!

News transmitted by: Pascal Blain, 2 rue Mortier, 39290 Menotey, Tel 58 22 99 September 1977


What Virus Makes Your Neck Sore?


Monday, April 20, 2009

Krusteaz Waffle Recipie

Play Media Play FM

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Rf Online Type A Excelsiors To Excelsiors

Entry of Turkey into the EU

A 47-day European elections, the position MoDem on the accession of Turkey into the European Union will inevitably be a topic of discussion during our field season.

order to discuss informed consent, it seemed interesting to summarize the positions of the main French political parties:

The UMP (Even Michel Barnier said he changed his mind), the Republic Standing Nicolas Dupont-Aignan, Libertas of Philippe de Villiers, FN Jean-Marie Le Pen and the Party of France Carl Lang radically cons. It's just they do not consider Turkey out of europe location! The

PS , Europe ecology whose Greens, the Left Front (the PC and PG Jean-Luc Melenchon), the NPA Olivier Besancenot and Workers Struggle are a priori favorable subject of the democratization of institutions and social rights, recognition of the Armenian genocide, Cyprus and the Kurds. Arguing that by the end of negotiations with Turkey in 10 or 15 years, no longer the same country, these parties believe that this could be a step towards better social conditions of Turkish workers.

In this they join, in my opinion, the undertakings of Modem for Europe:

2 - Europe is not just an economy, it is a societal, humanistic values : We propose that the requirement for social, democratic and ecological is placed at the same level as the competition.

10 - None of the necessary progress of Europe can not happen without political will : we will defend the idea of a European avant-garde, to be able to make things happen. For us, it is the euro area, the sixteen countries that share a single currency which should form the vanguard. Free to join other countries to strengthen the whole.

However, the current state of Turkish domestic politics, the MoDem judge that "It is important to set boundaries because the Union can only lose what they gain in strength scope. However, we defend, of course, the idea to offer our close neighbors (Turkey, Ukraine, ...), whose membership can not be accepted because it would make the construction of political union , social and democratic as we earnestly wish not a real great and privileged partnership status, which may even lead to a confederal ties. "

The choice of our MEPs is important because the agreement of the Strasbourg Parliament is needed to expand, while the French Constitution revised avoids a referendum if Parliament approves the majority of three fifths.

In 2005, a "lock referendum" had yet been entered in Article 88-5 of the Constitution by Jacques Chirac at the request of ... Nicolas Sarkozy may hope that the French have the last word on this burning issue. Became head of state, Nicolas Sarkozy chose to yield to concerns of Angela Merkel, hostile to the accession of Bosnia and Albania, by muzzling the people of French rather than defend his own convictions.

Knowing that Mrs. Merkel may be more Chancellor in five months, we say that our voice has been sold off a bit faster!


Saturday, April 18, 2009

System Has Not Been Modified Error

Hollyzook; Difé; Nrj Martinique, Guadeloupe Trace; Zouk radio are still HS.

FWI; SAS Spyone; Belmizik; Radio High Voltage, who changed flow are OK.

most listened to radio for the month of March:
1) Rci Guadeloupe
2) Martinique Rci
3) Radyo tanbou
4) Rfo Guadeloupe
5) radio SOUTHEAST
6) Rfo Martinique
7) Fusion
8 ) NRJ Guadeloupe
9) Zoukstationrétro
10) Radio Active

Friday, April 3, 2009

Morton's Tender Quick Where To Buy

Operation Vote for your ideal government "

The Metro newspaper recently organized the operation "Vote for your ideal government."

During two weeks at the sites and, the question was posed:

"To cope with the crisis, which team do you see revered to support the country's affairs?"

Over 7000 users participated. After an initial selection of an exhaustive list politicians and civil society personalities, there were only three to apply for each portfolio. The second round tie different "candidates".

With 48% of the votes , Bayrou is appointed Prime Minister of this great team, ahead of DSK (36%) and Alain Juppe (16%).

The survey results put particular Economics Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Interior Manuel Valls, Health Patrick Pelloux, Culture Bernard Pivot to Justice Robert Badinter, Education Segolene Royal, Foreign Affairs Dominique de Villepin, for Ecology Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, ...

Asked to comment this score, Francois Bayrou said: "It is a sign of confidence and encouragement" and stresses that "The list of this government is interesting ... It is clear that the French want to work together with different people and personalities who are not complacent with regard to power. I think many of them would agree to conduct a policy that would be a fair policy. This is what lacking most in the crisis. "

Read the full article on the site index.xml