Friday, April 3, 2009

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Operation Vote for your ideal government "

The Metro newspaper recently organized the operation "Vote for your ideal government."

During two weeks at the sites and, the question was posed:

"To cope with the crisis, which team do you see revered to support the country's affairs?"

Over 7000 users participated. After an initial selection of an exhaustive list politicians and civil society personalities, there were only three to apply for each portfolio. The second round tie different "candidates".

With 48% of the votes , Bayrou is appointed Prime Minister of this great team, ahead of DSK (36%) and Alain Juppe (16%).

The survey results put particular Economics Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the Interior Manuel Valls, Health Patrick Pelloux, Culture Bernard Pivot to Justice Robert Badinter, Education Segolene Royal, Foreign Affairs Dominique de Villepin, for Ecology Nathalie Kosciusko-Morizet, ...

Asked to comment this score, Francois Bayrou said: "It is a sign of confidence and encouragement" and stresses that "The list of this government is interesting ... It is clear that the French want to work together with different people and personalities who are not complacent with regard to power. I think many of them would agree to conduct a policy that would be a fair policy. This is what lacking most in the crisis. "

Read the full article on the site index.xml


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