Monday, March 29, 2010

Bmi For Females In Canada

Allow running C # code in SharePoint pages

In the web.config of the web application, add the following line to the node \u0026lt;PageParserPaths> :

\u0026lt; ; PageParserPath virtualPath = "{ relative path, eg / _catalogs / masterpage / *} " CompilationMode = "Always" AllowServerSideScript = "True" IncludeSubfolders = "true" />

Next, in aspx page itself:

\u0026lt;script runat="server">
protected void Page_Load (object sender, EventArgs e) {

{Your code}

} \u0026lt;/ script>

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Import Business Cards With Flatbed Scanner

Elixir Productivity: How

... Back for more of our elixir! And today we see the case ClipX which is a clipboard manager.

and what good is a clipboard manager?! Keep the entries that you copy all day long to make them accessible in one click. To save time and eliminate unnecessary clicks, there's no better!

's interest ClipX is also to have different plugins that add functionality to the program. Among them we find:
  1. Stickies: You can keep a permanent list of entries still available (ideal for the famous email that is copied 10 times per day)
  2. Auto Update: automatically checks the last ClipX version ... which has not moved since on 30/11/2005!
  3. Limits: excludes certain items from the clipboard as a function of the size in memory order not to overload the program (see system).
  4. "Save Image As" : provides the ability to save an image from the clipboard as PNG or JPG (did not work for me)
  5. DiskLog : Records activity from your clipboard (text only) disk
  6. SmartNavigation : This plugin allows using patterns or regular expressions , combine what you have copied an action to perform. For example, you copy an email address, the plugin will recognize the address and start your mailer
  7. ColorPicker - Copy to clipboard the color code present in the mouse, very useful for web designers or enthusiasts hex codes!
soon for more ...

Friday, March 26, 2010

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Thursday, March 25, 2010

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Clipboard retrieve icons for your applications

... Well, we agree, you must make sure licenses to use images or icons when you are recovering. But it's always nice to use the icon in your Word documents small application just for you alone;).

then here:
  1. In Windows Explorer to Tools> Folder Options
  2. In the File Types tab , identifying the extension that you want to retrieve the icon (for example: ASPX) and click Advanced on > Change Icon ...

  3. dialog Change Icon tells you the component that contains the icon

  4. From there, you will need a program that can open the component (dll, exe). For me it's Visual Studio

  5. Once open file, simply right-click the icon and now exports recovered and used.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where To Get A Fake Id London Ontario

WSS and problems of access account default content

After many checks permissions for your account access by default, you still have this error in your event log each new indexing (incremental or complete)


Event Type: Warning
Event Source: Office Server Search
Event Category: Gatherer
ID of the Event:
2436 Date: 24/03/2010
Time: 1:46:50 p.m.
User: N / A Computer
Unable to parse address Start \u0026lt;>.

Context: Application 'SharedServices "catalog "Portal_Content"

Access denied. Make sure the access account default content can access this repository, or add a crawl rule to crawl this repository. If the repository is analyzed SharePoint repository, verify that the account you are using has permissions "Play All" on the SharePoint Web application analyzed. (0x80041205)

For more information, see Help and Support Center at

Problem solved or bypassed with:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ SYSTEM \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Control \\ Lsa
Value Name: DisableLoopbackCheck
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Base: Hexadecimal
Value: 1

accompanied by:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \\ System \\ CurrentControlSet \\ Services \\ LanmanServer \\ Parameters
Name Value: DisableStrictNameChecking
Data Type: REG_DWORD
Base: Decimal Value
: 1

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Kidney Infections And Spotting

Elixir Productivity: Time Management

I begin today a series of posts focusing on productivity as how to get rid of bad habits with eg

  1. copy and paste it repeatedly to get his email address (of course always the same)
  2. Find what project we worked 15 January 2006 at 15:00 ... and for how long:)?!
  3. Put all your passwords (more numerous) in an easily accessible file (unprotected to make it more convenient) and suddenly see unencrypted passwords appear when you type "foo "in any search engine (eg Google Desktop )
  4. Who never pressed" Print Screen "and made a lousy editing in Paint? Who?!
  5. And all those sites that do not display! But because you have 2.0 and Flash is that you missed the last eight versions on your deserted island!
  6. ...
course all these examples are fictional and any resemblance to anyone would be very unpleasant.
But thanks to the elixir of Boulatin! End it all! Welcome to the era of productivity and joy of digital.

We begin with ManicTime which is what I find best to manage its activities and time spent.

the principle is simple, the application runs in background and records in a local database of the computer activity (Running applications, etc. ...). locked session Using the tags are commented the different times of day, and when it comes to activity record over the past month just to use statistics and everything is done in 10 minutes. ;
If one wishes to have details of a particular day or readjust tags, simply return to the desired date and details of the applications that were pending. Filters allow opportunities to refine the results.

Besides the nice graphical interface and ergonomics well thought out, it is especially reliability of information about the time spent on projects is the real advantage of this program

soon for the following recipe for the elixir!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Pooping A Sign Of Pregancy

(WSS 3.0) allow the search in a different language site

Petite limitation of WSS 3.0, when you create a subsite in a language different from the collection (eg a sub-site English in a collection in French) the search dialog box top right does not appear.

To view, simply copy the file 12 \\ TEMPLATE \\ LAYOUTS \\ 1036 \\ search.js (for French) and paste into other languages files (1033 for English). Control appears but the areas do not translate.

continue with the English example to work around the problem:
  1. must create a new display group Search Dropdown (Site Settings> Research Areas> New Group display)
  2. And combining a new range All Websites example (Site Settings> Research Areas> New Scope)

  3. Create a crawl rule on All content

  4. Create a second rule-based property requĂȘtede contentclass with the parameter urn: content-class: SPSPeople and behavior Exclude

  5. Wait Update scope
  6. scopes configured correctly appear in the search list

One last tip, when you want to edit, delete or share a scope, the following error message appears: "To change this shared scope, go to the View page spread on the site of administration of SSP. "

The problem is that on a WSS Search Server Express installed, there is no link to the management of extensive but can still browse it on the following URL: http://
{URL} SSP / ssp / admin / _layouts / viewscopesssp.aspx? mode = ssp

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