Monday, March 15, 2010

Is Pooping A Sign Of Pregancy

(WSS 3.0) allow the search in a different language site

Petite limitation of WSS 3.0, when you create a subsite in a language different from the collection (eg a sub-site English in a collection in French) the search dialog box top right does not appear.

To view, simply copy the file 12 \\ TEMPLATE \\ LAYOUTS \\ 1036 \\ search.js (for French) and paste into other languages files (1033 for English). Control appears but the areas do not translate.

continue with the English example to work around the problem:
  1. must create a new display group Search Dropdown (Site Settings> Research Areas> New Group display)
  2. And combining a new range All Websites example (Site Settings> Research Areas> New Scope)

  3. Create a crawl rule on All content

  4. Create a second rule-based property requĂȘtede contentclass with the parameter urn: content-class: SPSPeople and behavior Exclude

  5. Wait Update scope
  6. scopes configured correctly appear in the search list

One last tip, when you want to edit, delete or share a scope, the following error message appears: "To change this shared scope, go to the View page spread on the site of administration of SSP. "

The problem is that on a WSS Search Server Express installed, there is no link to the management of extensive but can still browse it on the following URL: http://
{URL} SSP / ssp / admin / _layouts / viewscopesssp.aspx? mode = ssp

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