Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fatal System Error C00021a Windows Xp

The expedition Hillary Clinton

punitive expeditions commissioned and sponsored by sadists and the worst kind of hardened, Haiti has been so since the time of colonization damn fierce under the leadership of France today that "civilization". However, despite the efforts of the moult imperialist monster change maneuvers, the chromosomes of discrimination remain intact and prevent it from materializing their dreams of a new world order as it is trumpeted through the media sensation. Make

stranglehold on the wealth of low ability to defend itself. Establish Wild structures (Religion, Media and MINUSTAH) to contain any hint of even the tiniest change in the subhuman conditions of existence of the masses ostracized excessive. Use these countries as downcomer of their surplus production.

advantage of the benefits of this thriving industry terrible misery to allow their experts through NGOs to perfect their ghost experiences commodification of the masses. These points mentioned above form the core of the imperialist plan for impoverished countries mercilessly by sordid avarice their citizens (settlers, occupiers, experts, cooperating or multinational).

And, tragically, our beloved Haiti is cataloged among the territories set torque setting for the sole purpose of satisfying the appetite for sadism and inhumanity of the masters of the world inevitable. In this vein the proselytes of expansionism will undertake disproportionate interminable rides in these conquered countries and for the most part, subject to a disgusting occupation as was the case in Haiti since March 2004. With its sovereignty

marginalized under the boots of the soldiers sordid UN Haiti has been denied any rights. Even the right to be spared from the epidemic of cholera imported from Nepal by the police to MINUSTAH. This new situation has complicated the health situation of over one and a half million compatriots in the grip of the worst vicissitudes resulting from the disaster of January 12, 2010.

"Elections": Fantasies of Mullet

Faced with so many vicissitudes insurmountable, time is not the "elections" but, reconstruction and other reflections carriers. However, a demon named Edmond Mullet, which in principle should be declared persona non gratia country threatened sanctions if the apocalyptic ravings of electors of the empire are not being met quickly. And reassured of diplomatic immunity that allows the worst flattening, the Mullet is not passed through four paths to vent his instincts proconsul treacherous.

From his lips slobber soaked in reeking of the venom of threats of severe sanctions against Haiti, the devil, forgiveness Edmond Mulet has unilaterally decided to impose "elections" exclusions as a durable solution to the multiple crises cloned in labs imperialist . Imposed on that country destroyed by the disaster of 12 January, Mulet, and his soldiers propagators of cholera virus, the experts of these NGOs is already an apocalyptic punishment which the country can not resist.

But imposing masses conscientisées "elections" exclusions is one thing. Achieve force them to swallow this pill venomous, this is another puzzle that Mulet blinded by this automation revolution yet own these unscrupulous occupants failed to so rumble. The chaos created by the disaster of January 12, aggravated by these jokes would lead to endless diplomatic strings.

Apart from these false promises effused an air of deception, such as hikes have followed the brackish taste of diplomatic hypocrisy and disappointment for those social strata that s'éreintent for the most part under the rubble view to live in dignity. More than 14 months after the earthquake of January 12, 2010 wild, as results from the absence of conclusive result, degrading mortifications of the survivors got worse.

Shipping Hillary Clinton

Sieur Clinton seeking a star lost for ages, to date fails to account for its mops on the sites of the disaster in 1995 where he promised more than a thousand kilometers of highway and a country completely reforested. Or while bef! Exhausted by the attacks of arthritis and can not brave the bitter cold of climate change, former president Jester advised his wife to try one of his choreography diplomatic waltz named seismic and cholera on a backdrop of electoral upheaval.

To prove the superiority of the fantasies of empire on the Haitian popular sovereignty bled white by the cynicism of white the lady Clinton rightly called the Iron Lady has landed at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport on a beautiful sunny day with a tropical Sunday, January 30, 2011. Packaged in a blue suit, he lacked the helmet the same color to resemble a UN soldier Constable / Commander.

globules of discrimination were rolling at full speed in his veins as Secretary of State to the imperialist power of the most savage century. Results of "elections" of November 28, 2010, deletion of entry visas to U.S. arrest warrants, all sorts of pressure and disintegration Group 12 in group 2, what was in his bag threats.

Having lost his patience and his cool, already in the diplomatic lounge, she failed to read the election results that has dictated a certain Jacques Bernard. Have we already forgotten that this formidable Jacques Bernard, as an expert on "fabulous," has been delegated by Washington to define the strategy to enable them to find ways and means to expel the Candidate of the insider, Engineering Jude Celestin of the race for the presidency of Haiti.

Where would the past for analysts Political media including Radio Metropole GNB stipendiary exclusively to demolish LAVALAS. How hard this radio gravedigger said the rantings of Jean Rene Duperval who had laid charges against President Aristide? These media are the "objectivity" their only compass, would they also vassals to the point of not seeking to have the findings of this secret mission sponsored specifically by President Obama. The recommendations of Jacques Bernard, ie the setting aside of the engineer Jude Celestin candidate Linite cluttered bag threats Madam. Hillary Clinton

proconsul in occupied territory was handed from hand to hand the results of these "elections" cash for vote on Sunday, November 28, 2010 to the Presidents Preval and the current one in the PRC, Mr. Dorsinvil Gaillot. The instructions were passed to whether the PRC spokesman Mr. Richardson Dumesle who read just after dawn on Thursday, February 3, 2011. Pòdyab ti malere there!

Even for a second, the leader has dropped its mines iron lady that she has adopted to inculcate his orders to his subordinates and even the Electoral Council to President Préval and Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive. Meanwhile, the Chief has tried to erase his memories of the pediment that perpetual upheaval that made unlivable Haiti were cooked in its own laboratories working at full capacity for the loss of several countries including ours. These laboratories

buried in the confines of the stars embassies apocalyptic highly protected by diplomatic immunity shields work at full capacity. Lab mix and these venoms of defamation, denigration, of the destabilization of bloody coups, (29/30 September 1991, February 29, 2004) to achieve the loss of this country that so sick of this misery that he has imposed.

Why so high an authority has had to give so much for coming hardships imposed on an entire nation the results of the buffoonery of November 28, 2010. Why Madam Chief, she believes the facilities made available by the technology of communication: cell phones, fax, email, SMS, etc. cables. Together, Madam Chief spends all his energy to neutralize the agony caused by the spine of the Egyptian crisis wedged heel of Achilles policemen of the world.

If the iron lady deliberately chose to return to Haiti at this moment when all eyes are riveted to Egypt and other African countries, it is just to express in person his threats to indigestible Haiti's highest authorities. Anyway, it merely carries out the letter the work for which it was programmed.

The chores have always been too nauseous assigned to the "diplomats" whose arteries are full of resentment, discrimination and racism against the people who gave birth to the freedom of black America. One remembers in 2004, it was Colin Powell and Brian Dean Curran, both proponents of the disaster they returned GNB responsibility to round up the attackers, military arm of the Group of 184, to burn, kill, raping and destroying all public offices across their path and create the objective conditions in the destabilization and occupation.

Madam felt more comfortable after that his country has used the weapon to the cancellation of entry visas to the United States against the supporters of the insider with a current member of the Government in the occurrence economist Gérald Germain, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour. The chief diplomat in Haiti, Marie Michele Rey ignores this unpardonable affront Yet even for the common man and chose to adopt a profile of guinea fowl. Kouman the Minis Germain gade nan do I?

The true mission of Hillary Clinton in Haiti was to obtain by every means the surrender of the engineer Jude Celestin. Secondly, the Commander should reproach sounding to President Preval to having failed miserably in his endless attempts to destroy the Lavalas Movement in spite of multiple means at his disposal. Manz is the LAVALAS konprann dwe yon Bagay KONSA KONSA! 10 ti piti Tankou the ... .... !

insult to injury, against the will of the masters of the world, following this unsustainable popular mobilization, a diplomatic passport has been issued to the one truly popular leader in Haiti. If Clinton Madan Konn al Bagay its ap fè tou estwok. (I ta good)

Thus, beside the dismay to the heroic resistance of a people beset by the worst mortifications, the imperialist powers and the United States in particular, as part of their policy worse , throw back their sights on Michel Martelly Mirlande Manigat or in case we finish once and for all. According to their projections clearly awkward with any of these two thieves of grenn goch, the right or the extreme right, they would have more fatigue to keep the masses on a leash. But, Madam Chief will succeed one day to admit that the interference, discrimination, xenophobia, contempt for the sovereignty of peoples, horror, crime must be limits?

Cholera versus imperialism

Mrs. Clinton, during this expedition was nth made in a registration center for victims of cholera, and also make the show even in the midst of their suffering excruciating. If at least the Iron Lady would have the courage to present to the parents of the martyrs of MINUSTAH, the U.S. government apology. To do this she must first of all admit publicly that this destructive virus of life was imposed on poor farmers by Nepalese soldiers.

These Nepalese soldiers from rich at the expense of destabilization imposed by elites GNB, are part of the Minustha. And Minustha was imposed on us by the imperialist powers including the Pentagon, Hexagon and the Maple Leaf Following the coup sponsored kidnapping and executed with strict orders from Washington with George Bush as president for the misery of Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Iron Lady, ordering the dispatch of 30 January 2011, did not have enough courage to go to the evidence that the situation of turmoil and a curse that saw the country that is currently the materialization of the American plan for Haiti. Madam, Commander of the expedition did not realize that from 2000 to today, international cooperation is fruitful in coup, in forced exile in disasters, hypocrisy, in turmoil, in exclusion, threats, "elections" challenged, occupation, interference in humiliation, in contempt, natural earthquake, election economic, social, political, in cholera, murder etc..

Washington unmasked

Will notorious Department Loved U.S. State to prevent former President Aristide to return to his own country is a variable in the discrimination strategy of the empire vampire. But behind this "presence after the second "tower" lies a trap easily detectable. As soon as the "results" of this election imposed reply, President Obama will have ample opportunity to threaten the president "elected" the worst punishment if he would agree that President Aristide will return home with his family, which is a right which he was right. Yet with one voice cried with one voice: No "second round" of no return. Nou Tande??

the same time, the Man of Steel Barak Obama, who in his hallucinations he promised voters "may" everything has shrunk the eyes of the world. Through this discriminatory decision, he forgets too quickly that he himself has fallen prey to the same segregation that he was unfairly subjected to another black president like him, Dr Jean Bertrand Aristide. GNB probably lobbyists have intoxicated with their brazen diatribes, which is their only certificate of competency. Nou Konn GNB is Dyab.

Whenever the Chairman of steel, the secretary of state of iron is to recognize spirit as surely as the Department of coups United States has put together all the upheaval, concussions and other upheavals that have plunged the masses under the debris of everyday violence. But who could advise the President Obama that the war, destabilization, earthquakes and electoral discrimination could be the best foreign policy?

patented destabilizing agent, Stanley Lucas, where he covered a bit forcefully should adviser to Presidents Bush (father and son malentespri) to mention it in their memory in the chapter dealing with racism, discrimination and destabilization of regimes popular in Haiti. More concerned to return the status quo ante by removing the layers of low-lying areas of power, Mrs. Clinton is guilty of the greatest madness of his career as an apostle of fierce imperialist. That time.

Yes, time will count towards those who have a steadfast faith in the irreversible process of the emergence of the masses and this worldwide. Because over time, capitalism blinded by his savagery is exciting spirit to produce venom that will soon destroy them permanently. At the same time, the time factor plays against the imperialist vampire. The insurmountable economic crises that are facing the capitalist powers and in a way particular the United States more than enough to support that assessment here exposed.

The ancestors of these layers excluded defeated the chains of slavery. If Madame would know it was hypothesized that the same combative verve still alive in the veins of their descendants is manifested daily through LAVALAS events. So ladies gentlemen in the service of imperialism gravedigger destabilizing coups, MINUSTAH, cholera, exile, murder, massive and unjustified dismissal, imprisonment, persecution on political and economic dispatch "diplomatic" punitive feeding a climate of insecurity, have not yielded the expected results

The worst punishment and injustice the most revolting can not overcome the verve Lavalas. Between 1991 and 2011, these mercenaries disguised as "diplomats" have so often had bitter experience. If it is not Madam bottom of hell GNB imposed by Bush that the masses came out to elect the President René Préval in 2006, it would have enough arguments to assess their determination! The exclusive owner of Lespwa / init certainly betrayed the ideals of 16 December 1990. Despite winds

imperialist GNBistes tides and disgusting disloyalty Lespwa / init, LAVALAS exists and will exist beyond time, space and ravenous raptors. This is not a new imperialist expedition commissioned by the U.S. Secretary of State who could overcome. Imposing the masses hell GNB only delays the maturity of their emergence through LAVALAS, which will take place despite their apparent opposition.

January 30, 2011, Mrs. Clinton came to the country imposing the results of "first round" of the electoral earthquake of November 30, 2010. Readers, readers, do not be surprised to see March 21, 2011, the trio imperialist Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy and the Queen of England who will come to impose the M of their choice. His Two pa piti yo fè power. This

Mullet, at the height of impertinence has scheduled elections for the reply March 20, 2011. Long before, remember that four advisers have adamantly rebellious refused to validate this diplomatic document required by the lady Clinton by affixing their signature. Gaillot Dorsinvil but why did he not propose to the presidents Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, Queen Elizabeth, and the shady Mullet to sign en lieu et place des conseillers rebelles?

J. Fatal Piard

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
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