Friday, September 3, 2010

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Mr. Insulza after eating the candy (Dieur) of President Preval in previous years, is well imbued with the fact that his organization and its presence in Haiti are no longer welcome as President Preval is leading the country. Today he is trying desperately to regain the grace of his rival by giving the seal of approval this system that he can put in place with the complicity of the 48th Legislature.

Jose Miguel Insulza was elected to head LOEA by consensus for a second term as Secretary General of the OAS, March 24, 2010. He does not know much in regards to the holding of elections. The word consensus by definition has nothing to do with elections.

A consensus is defined as a general agreement among several people on one hand and, secondly, by solidarity of a group of a belief or a feeling. Thus it was agreed to head the Organization of American States.

Insulza says demand of member countries to continue working for democracy, human rights, public safety and other common values he claims commitment to strengthen democratic institutions and good governance in the region. But if this commitment is, why he continues to trample applications Lavalas? Do not think he not only the Haitian people deserve better?

Not Mr. Insulza, there is nothing "credible and normal" in this electoral system, the CEP (Provisional Electoral Council) is an institution not recognized by the constitution 1987. Unlike those who believe the power of the Provisional Electoral Council derives from Article 197 of the 1987 constitution. The Provisional Electoral Council should the contrary be sued for breach of Article 197 and violations of election laws.

Article 197 of the Constitution
The Permanent Electoral Council is the litigation of all disputes that arise in either elections or in the application or violation of election law, subject to any legal prosecution undertaken by the culprits before the courts.

The majority of political parties approved and not approved dispute the PRC as a whole, how is it that The OAS supports the PRC and the electoral machine implemented despite the objections of the majority of the electorate ?

A CEP that is not even able to give candidates or interested a map of election districts that oversee particular needs. Is this a normal process or sheer demagoguery?

To refresh your lanterns Mr. Insulza on the CEP Gaillot Dorcinvil you just blindly endorse or sheer connivance we remind you this: no country in the world that a state institution is above of the law. The CEP Dorcinvil declares independence and discusses theories can to meet customers election knowing that these issues should and can only be addressed by the Court of First Instance and Court of Cassation.

example the issue of landfills and stipulated in Article 135 of the constitution: if there is interference, they must be submitted before the court hearing the application and if the decision is not acceptable candidates, the last resort is the Court of Cassation. Yet, this POC continues to decide on constitutional issues without the support of the Haitian judicial system.

Any candidate with court records that he is guilty or not should do everything in its power to achieve his criminal record in order not to be in contravention of the law, while the CEP itself admits people in the elections in full violation of the constitution and electoral laws.

In regard to the participation of Lavalas in the elections of November 2010, there is nothing legal in excluding Lavalas of electoral contests. Its exclusion as you know means that the vast majority of the people and this is not normal as you state. If

The OAS is an organization that validates elections across Latin America and the Caribbean, we think it should be a noble position in the struggle for the emancipation of the masses. But now we note with bitterness the forfeiture of that institution. It does not fulfill its mission and works rather to the weakening of the mass hungry worldwide. It is therefore clear that the OAS does not have moral fiber credible to reach a verdict on matters of great importance to the nation of Haiti as the protection of its sovereignty or the choice of Leaders meeting the ideals of the founding fathers of the Haitian nation.

We say loudly to the OAS and Mr. Insulza, the electoral process Gaillot Dorcinvil and President Préval is not normal and is condemned by the majority of the Haitian people.

"Yon sèl new feb, together we must, together, together we are Lavalas "

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


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