Monday, September 20, 2010

Prood Of Community Service

Haitian elections: unfair and undemocratic html # ixzz0z3migpZV

Imagine for a moment that the Federal Commission for Elections U.S. decides to remove the Democratic and Republican parties the 2012 presidential election and declared that only candidates of small parties can participate. Certainly no one would consider such a just decision and the American people would rise en masse to protest and declare such election unconstitutional and undemocratic. Yet the presidential and parliamentary elections of 28 November in Haiti are exactly that: unjust, unconstitutional and undemocratic.

Haitian Provisional Electoral Council, which is itself unconstitutional in its composition, refuses to give the majority party in the country to find the right Lavalas to participate in elections. Thirteen other legitimate political parties are also excluded from the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

The last time the Lavalas Organization, headed by former president Jean Bertrand Aristide, was allowed to participate in a democratic election she won by a landslide. In May 2000, during the first term of President René Préval, Lavalas won virtually every seat in the Lower House and local authorities. She also won the most seats in the Senate and the presidency. Since the kidnapping / coup in February 2004, Lavalas is prohibited from participating in political life of Haiti.

The current Provisional Electoral Council, handpicked by President Préval
, fabricated a new eligibility requirement to disqualify the Lavalas presidential election. This new rule requires that
the head of each registered party in person their candidates for president.
However, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide is in exile in South Africa where a tacit agreement between several governments forcing them to stay. While the great powers maintain a formal code of silence about Aristide and his right to return his own country, yet they are working feverishly informally, with the complicity of the South African government to ensure that Aristide remains indefinitely in South Africa. At the same time, the government of Haiti refuses to renew the passport to enable him to Aristide return to Haiti to register his party in the upcoming elections.

Obviously, these political maneuvers are not immune to the Haitian people. While major U.S. media only talk about the reliability of presidential candidate Jean Wyclef or what Sean Penn thinks about the candidacy of the latter, the Haitian people refuses to leave ridicule. Indeed, he knows that the next presidential election we are trying to impose undemocratic. As he did in 2005, the vast majority of the Haitian people will only support the presidential candidate that can guarantee the return of Aristide and Lavalas integration of Haiti's electoral system.

With the exclusion of Lavalas from the electoral race, the turnout at the polls will be extremely low, and no need to be learned to predict the reaction of the international authorities. They certainly say that "one could not expect better account view of the disastrous earthquake. " The outcome of this election can have disastrous consequences for long-term Haiti and the international community. It will undermine the stated goal of the United States and its allies to complete a certain stability in Haiti, and undermine the legitimacy and viability of a central government of Haiti who is not elected, but chosen for the people.

In a report of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Republican Senator Richard Lugar, the state of Indiana, asked the President Préval to restructure the Board CEP and ensure the participation of opposition parties including Lavalas. Lugar argued that the November elections will lack credibility if not. Lugar also said that `` the absence of democratically elected successors plunge Haiti into chaos for sure.''

elections honest and inclusive - that embrace the participation of
Fanmi Lavalas and all legitimate political parties and compliance right of all political exiles to return home, including Aristide - are essential for the establishment of a legitimate Haitian government capable of effectively managing the reconstruction of Haiti. Consent to the election unfair, based on exclusion might seem appropriate in the short term but in the medium and long term accept rigged elections will ensure any civilian uprisings and political controversies. Such a situation will jeopardize the investments of the international community in Haiti, while leaving the country vulnerable to future disasters natural, economic and political.

For us Americans who believe in the expansion of democracy around the world, it is difficult to understand the code of silence of the United States and nations that support the disenfranchisement Haïtien du peuple par l'elimination du party majoritaire des prochaines elections.

Ira J. Kurzban's attorney general shall summer aux États-Unis pour la République d'Haïti 13 ans pending spring présidence d'Aristide's first administration et de Preval.

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 /


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