Sunday, October 17, 2010

Best Of Jemma Jameson


Members, Supporters, Fans, sympathizer of the Lavalas , Haitians in the diaspora come together with the candidate Céant around the theme of his campaign.


Committee Lavalas Haitians overseas showing his warm greetings on behalf of our motherland. In its ultimate desire to unite all Haitians around the table of national dialogue and block the road to a possible extension of the dictatorship of President Preval in gestation, the Committee calls upon your class consciousness and belonging to conserve the gains democratic ideologies from the December 16, 1990.

We invite you cordially to take advantage of a meeting of give and take with the presidential candidate, Mr. John Henry Céant around the theme of his campaign: "Every Moun Ladan l).

This exchange occurs in a particular context of the history of our country since the euphoria of the wind of democratization that ended with the February 2004 kidnapping of an alternation is desperate which is slow to materialize. Haiti is an important step in its transition process both at home and abroad, gives rise to infinite hopes for the reconstruction of our political and economic fabric. Being a community that is changing the name of a single ideology, it behooves us to be guided by a spirit of magnanimity and solidarity, so that together we came out winners of this ideological struggle that unites us.

Our common goal is it not guide the Haitian people towards the path of progress and delivery? Even today the duty to us. We were again excluded from the electoral contest with the complicity of the international community continues to stubbornly turn a deaf ear to the demands of the Haitian people. We Therefore, new strategies to achieve common goals to benefit the majority.

In the context of anxieties and questions facing an uncertain future as CFLHO invite you to return on October 23 so that together we were able to provide better strategic direction to the Haitian elections and ensure choosing a president capable of promoting a policy that reflects the aspirations of our people.

crowd Come Saturday, October 23 from 1:00 pm: until 7:00 pm, at the local church Lively Stone Church of Miami, located at 8025 NW Miami Ct Miami, FL 33153 to discuss with the candidate Céant in anticipation of elections. "From the clash of ideas sprang the light." Share our strength and our belief that together we continue the struggle to achieve a better future for our people!

Unite Haitian brothers and sisters to ensure the best for our country are not waiting for the worst again shed tears because of the shed blood of our compatriots.

In order to provide a service worthy of the public who will attend this meeting, we urge you to confirm your participation. You can do so via email to or by calling 312-735-6297

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas."

The Committee therefore reiterates its you best regards and wish you already welcome.

Reminder: Title: Dialogue with presidential candidate John Henry Céant around the Domain (All Moun Ladan L)
Date: October 23, 2010 Time: 1:00 to 7:00 pm Location: Lively Stone Church of Miami 8025 NW Miami Ct Miami, FL 33153.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas
PO BOX 2252
Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


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