Saturday, October 9, 2010

Country Cottage Playhouse


In Haiti, citizens delegate the exercise of national sovereignty has three branches: legislative, executive and judicial This explains why the full responsibility is attached to the acts of each of these three powers under Article 59 of the Constitution of 1987. However, Yvon Neptune, former head of government, the last Prime Minister of President Jean-Bertrand Exiled Aristide to South Africa, following the bloody coup of February 29, 2004, by his provocative statements, biased only reveals the nation's ignominious acts and consequently deliver his verdict, his conviction, after s be manipulated.

Indeed, Yvon Neptune, shameless, a founding member of the Lavalas Political Organization, which has not hesitated to cohabit with Boniface Alexandre after the coup he was one of the main instigators had already completed the role of spokesperson for the presidency before being elected senator from Republic of Haiti in May 2000. Became president of the Grand Corps, he hatched a conspiracy against Jean-Marie Chérestal, Prime Minister at the time in order to capture the Prime Minister's Office where he ruled as dictator until the true arrival of his successor Gerard Latortue, which was soon not to humiliate him.

Betrayed by the very people to whom he sold his soul, that wretched Judas lost his head today. The defactos needed a man close to President Aristide to do their dirty work and they found him in the person of Yvon Neptune.

Today, it is evident that the former Prime Minister has shamelessly betrayed. His greatness of a Prime Minister seeking publicity drives him to expose his infidelity. Would it be facing a crisis of conscience that leads him to confess his complicity in the kidnapping in February 2004? Why would he mention the existence of a letter of resignation that he himself has written? Did not he promised his followers as tried in vain to convince the president to sign it because you want to protect? It just does it not only because of his cunning leader of the majority is now in exile in South Africa and Haitian people more than ever, mired in misfortune? Neptune has miserably betrayed the trust placed in him by the Head of State and the Haitian people. It is a dangerous man for the country. Nicknamed

little man for his lack of personality, Yvon Neptune, pseudo-presidential candidate has confirmed its level of idiocy and banditry which has always been biased by his statement dated October 6. Far from denigrating the leader par excellence of the people of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Neptune, on the contrary, condemns himself. Real traitor, he betrayed his faith by selling his soul and his conscience. What a shame! What idiocy! Neptune, by admitting that the chimeras had joined the National Police in the last days of President Aristide, only to expose his guilt to the Court of Common Law on the one hand.

other hand, it just show the world his idiocy, his meager knowledge of constitutional law. However, the 1987 constitution in its articles 159, 160 and 163 provides: The Prime Minister enforces the laws.

In case of absence or temporary inability of the President of the Republic or at its request, the Prime Minister chairs the Council of Ministers. It has the regulatory power but it can not interpret Laws, Acts and Decrees nor refrain from enforcing them. He appoints and dismisses directly or by delegation of civil servants. In addition, the Prime Minister and the Ministers are jointly responsible for the acts of the President of the Republic that they countersign those of their departments. They are also responsible for the enforcement of laws, each in their respect.

With these considerations, Yvon Neptune, the last Prime Minister of President Aristide, has violated the Constitution of the country by integrating its own chimeras within the National Police as Head of Government and Council President National Police. This heinous act, unworthy of a Prime Minister under the jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice.

As the former Chairman of the Grand Corps of the Republic of Haiti was able to escape the responsibilities attached to his duties; Since it was not disclosed or submitted his resignation to the President of the Republic at that time then, as stipulated in Article 165 of the said Constitution, Yvon Neptune should be brought before the High Court of Justice for political crimes.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


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