The political project of the Democratic Movement. The political project of Movement Democrat. A humanistic model for the twenty-first century. We want to change French politics: bipartisanship, perpetual confrontation and artificial, is an impoverishment of spirit and a misunderstanding of the complexity of time. It is a verrouillage.Pluralisme political union pluralism, pluralism in the media, only to allow citizens aware and informed, to think the challenges ahead, not just those of the past.
pluralism and open dialogue can when the situation requires broad consensus nationaux.Si one wants to be pluralism, define a new project, independence is the condition needed.The cohesion and solidarity within the movement are just autant.Il is vital to define a new project for our company.
This is especially necessary in the deep crisis we are experiencing. Our model
French and republican aims to improve the situation of all, while the movement of financial capitalism encourages ever-increasing and ever accelerating inequality.
It is therefore for a new current to get to work for and think that France has another model, the humanist model
for the XXI century. That is our choice of background.
What are the pillars of the humanist model for the twenty-first century? - society must be creative.
There is no company that makes radiate its values if it is dominated economically and technologically. The values of creation and entrepreneurship are central to this project: the entrepreneur, researcher and artist, are also essential to creative society humanist project. The key to creativity is education that requires effort and all the solidarity of the nation.
- It takes a fair social model.
The reforms are a necessity for a country to adapt to new times. But they will not be accepted permanently, if the spirit of justice and the rule inspires them, and if we refuse the ghettos due to the money, originally, age, social position.
- society must be sustainable.
solidarity between generations is a requirement as high as solidarity within a generation. We are hard faced with threats on the balance of the planet and our country. The passage of energy abundant and cheap energy scarce and expensive, the climate shock, the growing deficits and debt, the aging of our populations, monetary disorders are also threats to the future. The virtue of the humanist model, is balance.
- should the balance of power and therefore Europe.
If we want international justice should be rejected domination. To withstand the great powers dominating, must bring about a world organized. Europe is collected is the necessary precursor of necessary regional organizations. That is why the fight for a Europe that protects diversity, friendly people who compose it, is not only a fight for ourselves but for all humanity. We need a democratic membership
. We believe that democracy requires awareness and civic responsibility. They are entitled to the truth of public debate and protection against abuse of power. They are entitled to fair institutions that guarantee the separation of powers, executive, legislative, justice and fair representation of citizens.
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