Wednesday, March 25, 2009

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52% of French people have a good opinion of MoDem (*)

The Democratic Movement is leading in polls BVA-Orange-France Inter-L'Express.

In the latest poll by BVA-Orange-France Inter-L'Express it has been retained by the commentators cautioned reporters that the parties' popularity of the executive "and" cote d influence (barometer) personalities. " Nobody says the last part of the survey which focuses on "current issues", the last is strong interest in respect of our movement.

We discover that we are supported by 10% of French and we have the privilege of being "the party with the most favorable opinion" without supporting us (42%) far ahead of the PS (37 %) and UMP (32%)! This
accompanied by fewer adverse opinion (39%, others have 44% more).


(*) 10% + 42% = 52% QED

Sources: pdf

To Memory:
A survey that is good ...


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