Friday, December 31, 2010

Easton 2009 Sv12 -11.5 Fastpitch Bat

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  5. Enter the replacement pattern
  6. Replace All and c ' is everything!

Best wishes from boulatin programmer;)

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Taking An Oxycodone Before A Brazilian


one appointments: appointment, the table

PO Box: 15603
Petion-Cities, Haiti
Phone: 38 46 75 11 / 39 10 62 74

8 December 2010

since January 12, Haiti entered into a historic roofs that require us raised awareness of our higher path for salvation or we perish as a nation.

us in Lavalas we see, we listen, we understand. We saw old system had broken down. We hear rare people who said he suffered too much gloom in the dark, he needs to see the light L. We understand it when it time to end the evil practices of the political koulout, antinasyonal, antidemokratik, antipopilè, without ethics, without morality, which had anfale country, destroy people, and debase the nation.

Ancient ruins the system, we appeal to penetrate into new roofs put before us as a people, as a nation with a mission to accomplish chicken.

Chess masquerade 28 November, is another clear sign to end the political exclusion, rascal, lady owner, elections fake cans to only briganday, challenge, waste while people are dying from cholera others brought to him.

Lavalas will find that the secular death train, the selection malatchong the corruption and incompetence of the derailed from the Provisional Electoral Council, powers and international community.

actually very serious for the country. Time very serious for the Haitian people. The occasion for the international community aware Pepe democracy they want to put gagann us is the main source of instability in the country.

is the time for the political class aware we will continue make policy the same way again, ignore the rights of the people and the nation's interest, to rise to power in konfyolo, lord, lady, take the crooked road.

we all know well from the lagan, conditions are not acceptable assembly election held in the country, alevwa for effective election. Therefore it is not day 28 November that would make these democratic selection.
Lavalas declare to all people, in all sectors, not stuck in false results pyese cans we can find solutions to the crisis. Konplotay bribery embassy can never give us the solution leading to democracy, stability and national dignity.

Lavalas will appeal to all those who refused to participate in the farce, and those that require cancellation selection malatchong for a quick Outreach, to find a national solution to obstruct the proceedings and Larousse rapyesay second round looking hilt country into worse ..

Lavalas says you can not reheat the food spoilage, it would require selection malatchong cancel them.

Lavalas continues to mobilize: •
Renvwa Urges Electoral Council that
• Rebat map to create conditions for free elections good, honest, democratic without exclusion in the country, to national sovereignty and dignity of people is met.
one we are weak, together we
together we are Lavalas.

To Committee Executive organization: Dr. Maryse Narcisse

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
http : / /

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Tuesday, December 7, 2010

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Le cybercarnet of Lavalas Family: PPH claimants L'ANNULATION DES Elections DU 28 NOVEM ... "VOTE ON A SUMMER POPULAIRE Stealing PAR LE President Préval, LA MINUSTAH, then CARICOM, L'OEA ET LA COMMUNAUTE Internationale DANCE ENSEMBLE SOUNDSCAPE PROJ ... "

" One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas "CFLHOP.O.BOX 2252Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 312-735-6297

Monday, December 6, 2010

Reply To Email For Interview

PPH REQUEST CANCELLATION OF THE ELECTIONS OF 28 November 2010 and the dissolution of POC.


Projet PRIORITAIRE Haitian (PPH ) takes this opportunity to thank all its partners and contributors who have always helped to fund his projects including pre-election surveys conducted recently with care and accuracy in record time without interference from donors.

Success has been achieved despite the difficulties encountered in Haiti to provide accurate reports. With the information provided to us by the people and our local workers, respect for democratic principles in the transmission and analysis of facts, our study is by far the most realistic of the so-called elections on November 28, 2010.
To our beloved people, we send our applause and our eternal gratitude for having once again demonstrated, his serenity and his political know-how through adversity.

Your ingenuity and resistance against this undemocratic electoral process has given a lesson in democracy to the CEP, the Government of Haiti and the international community. The spirit of Toussaint Louverture still lives in spirit and will of our people ready to fight for a just cause. For this, there is still hope to see democracy thrive in the land of Dessalines and heroes of our independence. The latter week was a testament to the true will of the Haitian people to choose their leaders.

Indeed, the people of Haiti was ready with their red card in hand November 28, 2010 to punish the government Préval / Bellerive for incompetence and lack of sincerity in the affairs of Haiti. Haitian Priorities Project

regrets at the same time the attacks of November 28, 2010 attack against the election officials, politicians, CASEC, ASEC and the general public.

We condemn acts of violence perpetrated by militants of the regime Préval and his soldiers against the people of Haiti, trying to force them to vote in elections not meet democratic standards.

We say loud and clear "shame" those who have tried by rigged polls to influence the election results on behalf of the rich and international mercenaries who completely ignore the welfare of our nation.

Shame also national security forces and international NGOs operating in the country, OAS, UN CARICOM.
Those individuals that are supposed to be concerned for the safety of the people of Haiti, and the safety of its streets have failed to protect the people, against his will to adhere to peaceful norms.

Once again, the Minustha showed his incompetence in handling cases of Haiti and its willingness to side with the status quo at the expense of the Haitian people for the benefit of the enemies of democracy.


PPH has found evidence of mistreatment by the Election Commission for candidates Init. Small groups belonging to the inner circle of President of the Republic have supported excessive and inappropriate use of government funds at their provisions and access to documents and property belonging to the state.
They exercised violence against elected officials and the public. These abuses have been demonstrated by the representative insider trading in the first district of Port-au-Prince cons, Betty Marcellus Vwazinaj party. A Representative Bourjolly Aquinas has used tear gas against supporters of Calixtus Bosse which was then subject to death threats by the same individual. Individuals
heavily armed closed office doors in the faces of those who waited for hours the chance voting, ballot boxes stuffed and ransacked polling stations ... ....

• 20% of eligible voters are not in possession of their registration cards
• The electoral register was totally incomplete with most people carry their voter card unable to vote. • Massive
interference of government at the beginning of the day pick-up in the morning the police were conducting the public transport service transporting people into polling stations and paying them to vote for Jude Celestin
• Lists general election, partial elections should be ready 60 days and 30 days respectively before the elections, so that on the morning of election the lists were incomplete. •
disproportionate funding of party members Init Preval / Bellerive with the possibility of bringing of dirty money in the electoral process
• Flight of the vote and massive interference from the incumbent, Jude Celestin
• The National Police and CNE were used before and during the voting day to intimidate, paying people to work for the benefit of Jude Celestin
• Cash for Work program has been converted into cash for vote in disinterested gaze of the international community
• 12 of the 19 presidential candidates have called for the cancellation of elections November 28, 2010 • The office
national identity card has been retained and unable to issue voting cards to almost one million people eligible to vote
• Government officials have publicly campaigned for Jude Celestin, paid to influence the vote on behalf of Jude Celestin before and during elections
• The exclusion of Lavalas .. ..

These abuses have occurred in several regions the country. While it is important in terms of elections and democratic principles, the total number of violations and irregularities are decisive and have a great impact on the electoral process to the lowest common denominator.

Serious irregularities have occurred, and attempts to manipulate the voting results are obvious. There are major violations of electoral procedure. A number of election workers were involved, willingly or by force in acts of fraud. These irregularities also reflect a lack of control over the production of official documents, including the accreditation of observers and related documents, which were used to fraudulently claim the right to vote.

PPH does not prejudice the prerogative given to the PRC to make their own decisions, however, the facts are to present our analysis to inform the public and provide to candidates and political parties, an independent evaluation and objective process.

SARC has shown its incompetence to hold fair elections, impartial and democratic
PPH calls on all parties to remain calm and ensure that their understanding of election is based solely on an analysis neutral and rigorous electoral facts.

With most presidential candidates in calling for the annulment of the elections of 28 November 2010, the PRC, the President and the international community should in no way to validate the elections. This action would prove their irresponsibility and their willingness to send Haiti into chaos

However, offices and voting centers that display higher participation rates than others deserve special attention. Especially if the results of these offices are strongly in favor of a candidate. This could indicate an attempt to manipulate election results by ballot box stuffing or vote fraud made in the absence of witnesses or observers.
The cancellation of elections and the departure of the PRC are noble and reasonable requests. All other considerations must be made within the spirit of Article 149 of the 1987 constitution namely

In case of vacancy of the Presidency of the Republic for any reason whatsoever, the President of the Supreme Court of Republic or, failing that, the Vice-President of this Court or in default thereof, the judge's oldest and so on in order of seniority, is invested temporarily with the duties of President of the Republic by the Assembly National duly convened by the Prime Minister. The ballot for the election of new president for another term of five (5) years has held forty-five (45) days and ninety (90) days after the opening of the vacancy, accordance with the Constitution and the Electoral Act. What
democratic transition takes place in Haiti in 2011, that the will of the people is respected.

HPP conducts its election observation in accordance with the Declaration of Principles for Observation and Code of Conduct adopted by the United Nations in 2005. These principles should be used consistently to reduce Ces et annular Elections name démocratiques du 28 Novembre 2010.


"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"
POBOX 2252
Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Sims 3 Macreplace Info.plist

the Board Committee's Lavalas Haitians Overseas informs you that:

ce Samedi October 30, 2010, the Board of Directors Committee Lavalas Haitians overseas met in emergency approving a reallocation of powers within its Executive Committee. These decisions take effect c'aujourd'hui.

"The goal of this redesign," said the coordinator of the Committee Mr. François Jacob, "is to improve the efficiency of decision making and the quality of decisions taken by the Executive Committee. Moreover, this should serve as an example for other coordinations and Lavalas in general, because these decisions involve the standards that govern the Organization as stipulated in the charter of Lavalas. "

• The Steering Committee of Lavalas Haitians overseas account as before six.
• Mr. François Jacob is the Coordinator CFLHO, a branch which remains unchanged.
• Since Dr. Jean-Baptiste was forced to serious violations of internal regulations of the Committee, leaving CFLHO and therefore resign, we decided unanimously that the position of Assistant Coordinator will henceforth be taken supported by Mr. Belfort Homerre.
We assure you that the departure of the outgoing coordinator will have no influence on the continuation of ongoing projects and the functioning of the Committee. • Mr.
Maulaire Sown, resumed its competence as Secretary. • Mr.
Kivland Lubin, Assistant Secretary agreed to continue to assume its responsibilities within the Committee. He will report to Mr. Sown. • Claudine January
continue to assume its position as Public Relations, a spot she has accomplished so far with flawless efficiency.
• The function of Treasurer returns again to Yves Bonnet
• As for Mr. John Wilson will continue to assume its role as Delegate
• And Mr. Samson Duverger this requête à demeure un Membre actif du Committee avec aucune dénomination spéciale.

CFLHO tient à remercier cough ses membres pour leur CONTRIBUTION au processus de changement muscle en Place et leur souhaite beaucoup de Success dans leur respective functions.

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
http://www.fanmilavalas. NET /

Saturday, October 30, 2010

My Hiking Boots Hurt My Ankles



is with an open mind, without preconceptions or prejudices the Committee Lavalas Haitians Overseas sea and the Haitian Diaspora hosted the Haitian presidential candidate John Henry Hon Me Céant Saturday, October 23 last in the big city of Miami.

The conference, was agreed and understood as a prerequisite for useful and even essential to help the Haitians living abroad to move to an alternative that will ensure compliance with the wishes of the Haitian people.

Without naiveté or excessive optimism CFLHO, organized this meeting to give an opportunity to the Haitian diaspora to have a face to face with the candidate Céant him to do his own analysis to decide who to choose to defect can send its own candidate at the polls.

Introduction candidate

Céant remains the only reliable alternative. A fact which Mr. Jacob Francis, coordinator of the Committee Lavalas Haitians Overseas emphasized throughout his introduction. Mr. Francis presented to support the presidential candidate of "Renmen Ayiti" The Honourable Jean Henry Céant in very laudatory.

That's the message a few paragraphs of Mr. Francis

CFLHO wishes to emphasize that he supports any decision made by the representative of President Jean Bertrand Aristide, Dr. Maryse Narcisse. His decision will not in any way contrary to the Executive Committee Lavalas. It is instead a clear message that the outgoing government continues intimidation to maintain power. We must set a clear if politicians can afford to wait another five years to develop an effective strategy allowing them to resume the reins of power, the people and sick, hungry, thirsty, living under makeshift tents can not be the afford. This homeless people who only know misfortune after misfortune, constantly exposed to natural disasters and all kinds of diseases can not wait. In less than a week an outbreak of Cholera has already flown more than 250 of our fellow citizens as if the hundreds of thousands that the earthquake of January 12, 2010 we were delighted not enough demons of nature.

No, the Haitian people can not afford to wait another five years. He knows very well that if he fails to rejoin the party that represents it by November vultures give him for his misfortune a president who will tell him he can not perform miracles or "louse Naje OIPC ".

These people, living for decades in conditions so inhumane and for whom even natural events become disasters, needs a responsible government to relieve him of his woes and to allay their concerns.

In developed countries like that where we live we rejoice when it rains, our thinking to become more green grass, our plants that will flower profusely and our fruit trees that produce more. While in Haiti, in rain are concerned about flooding, landslides that cause dozens of dead and homeless ... Do you understand why it is so urgent for people desperate to ensure that future votes will elect a president who shares his concerns and that makes its priorities? We

Lavalas from the outside, must continue this tradition of solidarity, while remaining attentive to all the thrills of the mother homeland. Our people appreciate the efforts of all those who, through cooperation, working to improve their living conditions. Even excluded from the elections we still continue to fight for Haiti politically stable, economically strong and independent.

The official position of the Executive Committee of Lavalas is politically correct and responsible, but we need an alternative. His name is none other than John Henry Céant Me!

When our leader Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide was kidnapped and exiled, he has had time to give us a penny to grow with the charter of the organization as a compass.

CFHLO denies being the slave who buried his penny for fear of making mistakes and displease the master. Lavalas leader has for a just and fair man who does not deserve to remain in exile. We want to remain vigilant and use multidimensional strategies to ensure the return of our leader in Haiti. If we need to be punished for having tried everything to make true return of Dr. Aristide, we are ready to receive our sanction. The Committee

Lavalas Haitians overseas despite all the obstacles encountered, understood the urgency to perform his duty mobilization, information and preparation of the people.

The Committee wishes to urge the Haitian diaspora to the reflections necessary to choose it knowingly in a chair for real change, profound, honest and democratic. A president who will release the final disposition of the Haitian people due to underdevelopment and poverty. It should be emphasized that this gathering was not strictly Lavalas. It was rather a meeting of all Haitians in the diaspora and friends concerned about the well-being of Haiti and its people.

They were given the opportunity to determine and conclude for themselves that Mr. Céant is the right man to take over from the outgoing government which has never lived up to the task which has been entrusted by the Haitian people 5 years ago. It was in essence a very successful meeting. The room was full of Haitians that included substantial stake in the moment and the importance of moving beyond their differences to defend the interests of their country and ensure a better future for the Haitian people they cherish both.


Nobody can challenge the intellectual brilliance of Master Céant who excel in academic disciplines than in his political analysis. Brilliant lawyer born to a father and a mother of the people who are pushed despite their limited means to success and excellence.

His sense of family duty and patriotism is no doubt. He never wavered from his youth to sacrifice themselves to help the less fortunate. His sense of leadership he has earned during his time at the Law School's position as president of his class. Barrister and Notary in Port-au-Prince since 1986, Mr. Céant is currently a member of the International Union of Notaries (UINL). He has over twenty years of professional experience, including ten as a professor of property law at the University Quisqueya, including currently as a professor at the Ecole Nationale d'Administration Financial (ENAF). He has held numerous conferences and seminars for financial institutions, youth associations, and various religious organizations, social and political. Me Céant is voluntary and gives her time to many groups throughout the Haitian community, locally and abroad, including assistance on a pro-bono for Habitat for Humanity, National Office for Cadastre, St. Joseph's Hospital and the Council of Bishops of the Catholic Church. He is a founding member of some of the major organizations in Haiti and especially the cooperative housing (COLOFE), Centre for Research and Development Tabarre (CREDECT), the Professional Association of Notaries in Port-au- Prince (ASNOP), the Professional Association of Legal Professionals (ODA), Love Haiti, the Haitian Foundation for Support to Training University (FHASFU) and the foundation "ALL DWA MOUN POU".

There is no Céant doubt that the candidate is up to the highest office he covets. He also demonstrated throughout the course of this extraordinary meeting where it was surpassed in eloquence. I Céant has a political philosophy and a very ambitious government program specific. Its very detailed presentation was direct, clear, frank, honest and concise. He did not fail to note that he is the nominee and the president will from all segments of Haitian society and the Diaspora. "All the moun ladan" he said at the beginning of his speech.

Me Céant stressed the importance of strength in unity to strengthen our ranks, ending political instability, institutional and continuing economic and ensuring the emergence of a free and prosperous Haiti. I do not pretend to know everything, insisted the candidate, but I'm sure that if I surround myself with men and women able and qualified to successfully execute I get my development project for my country and my people. The candidate before the debate did not accept to give clear and direct answers to all questions that he knew silent float in the air saw Speaking to an audience mostly Lavalas. Why would anyone be ashamed to say it's Lavalas? He asked vehemently.

Why should I cons since I Lavalas vehicle the same theories, and that my candidacy is based on the same principles? My main concern is to liberate the people starving from hunger and exclusion ... just as willing Lavalas. Dr. Jean Bertrand Aristide is primarily a Haitian citizen and he has the legal right as Duvalier of Haiti or any other to live peacefully in his country. The possibility of his return to Haiti is one of my priorities, "he said.

At these words, all the assistance stood up to applaud the candidate. Me Céant said he has a very important job for former Presidents Aristide and Duvalier in his government. I am against the exile of our intellectual elite. Furthermore, I wish that the diaspora to participate running the country at all levels, said the candidate. According to the candidate Céant, a Haitian citizen shall have the right to adopt several nationalities without this excluding decisions of his country or prevents him from remaining a citizen of Haiti to hand over. The candidate has also mentioned a program coaching to encourage the diaspora to return to the fold to invest intellectually and financially. The candidate of "Renmen Ayiti" assured us publicly that with him we will not renounce our values and beliefs and that together we will find points of convergence that will lead us towards the goal which is to ensure the development of our beloved Haiti in peace and stability. I Céant has focused on the irresponsible behavior of the outgoing government to face the misery of the people and the problems caused by the earthquake of January 12.

The revival of the economy, creating jobs, reconstruction and resettlement of victims of the earthquake are its priorities. "All the moun ladan" the candidate boomed a voice filled with emotion. I need the participation of each of you to make sure that the dream for which I am willing to devote my life to become reality, he concluded. The candidate has received large ovations during and at the end of his speech. Madam member Daphne Campbell of Florida, in his speech did not hesitate to contact the candidate as "President" John Henry Céant. She made her praise as a serious candidate, dynamic and eager to find solutions to the Haitian people. Ms. Campbell gave his unconditional support to Mr. Céant and promised to support his candidacy until his accession to the presidency. At these words, any one rose and shouted the candidate's name breathlessly.

Then it was the turn of Senator Bell to speak to emphasize the importance of intense mobilization to ensure the transfer of power to President John Henry Céant. "I, Senator Youseline Augustine Bell publicly supports presidential candidate Jean Henry Céant" she said strongly at the end of his speech "and I invite you all to do the same if you insist on a better Haiti."


The questions were numerous, interesting and accurate. The candidate did not skimp on the responses that were detailed, clear and concise.

• Regarding the situation of chronic instability that eats away the country for decades the candidate advocates the following remedies: Promoting political and social dialogue; Establish democratic institutions and credible Conduct inclusive approaches; promote actual encounters between the public and private sectors without neglecting foreign partners to boost the economy and rebuild national confidence.

• On the issue of corruption, especially at state institutions Me Céant said he is for justice but did not want to return to the past. (I think it is so much to us to forgive past mistakes to help the country move forward "he said. Bring all political parties, grassroots organizations and various groups in the diaspora for a large consultation, this will be my first gesture of reconciliation the day after my inauguration, so to prove that "all the moun ladan" is not a slogan.)

• On the issue of decentralization has responded that the constitution stipulates that it is the Prime Minister and not the president to create a political agenda. And yet the presidential candidate should speak and answer questions on its program of government during his election campaign. (But I can guarantee you one thing, as a man of law, I will do everything in my power to circumvent the drawbacks, correct minor imperfections of the constitution and ensure that decentralization remains a top priority of my government.)

• In terms of an effective solution to the problems of kidnapping the candidate emphasized the need to create jobs, to enable all to have the opportunity to meet their most basic needs in order to end the despair that most often some of our countrymen to commit acts of aggression-related kidnapping and theft. Creating a serious intelligence service, an overhaul of the national police and the creation of a special force capable of ensuring a stable and conducive to Haitian and foreign investors.

Praise Taxpayer

Committee Lavalas Haitians Overseas warmly thanked the candidate for the presidency the Honourable Jean Henry Céant who graced this famous encounter with his presence and participation. I Céant certainly illuminated the room with his charisma, his performance and his answers are clear, direct and precise.

Thanks to all the dignitaries who accompanied the candidate from another former culture minister Paul Guy and former vice chairman of the central bank Hancy Mr. Pierre-Louis.

Thanks to all the local dignitaries who honored us with their attendance: Mrs. Daphne Campbell State Representative Elect Mr. Alix Désulmé Clerk of Miami professor Dr. Ketia Gift to St. Thomas University

CFLHO dear to thank all those who contributed to the success of this memorable meeting:
Serge Pierre Pierre New York for his sincere support, infallible and constant.
Jean Audan Catel of Paris
Willy Pompilus the state of Illinois
Philippe Beloved Florida
André Jacques Philippe state of Massachusetts
Senator Norma Jean-Claude Forté Canada's
MP Jean Robert Placide state of Connecticut The organ builder Lawrence
member of the Florida MP Sylvestre
Lindor Florida political scientist
Ilrick Fils-Aime Boston The coordinator of the Virgin Islands
Vilarson M. Belfort The coordinator of Chicago
Mr. Joseph M. Dieujuste Kérizareth
Vauze downgrades Duval M Occean
Simpson Lybérus
Francky Feiranvil
Mrs. Daphne Campbell State Representative Elect Dr.
Ketia Gift professor at St. Thomas University

A big thank you to all members of the Lavalas Haitians overseas for their initiative and determination to organize this meeting:

Mr. Yves Samson Duverger
Mr. Belfort Homerre
Pastor Wilson MP Jean-Claude Francois Sergo
Miss Angie Bell
Jean Luc Bell Bobby Prince
Senator Youseline Augustine Bell Cap Haitien
Claudine January in Port-au-Prince
Ms. Majolie Zéphirin
Jacob Francis, coordinator of the Committee of Lavalas Haitians overseas.

A special thank you goes to all members of the press who helped to mediate and to cover this event, especially our colleague and friend, faithful and devoted, the CEO of Radio Unit Jean Elie TH. Pierre-Louis Patrick and Guy Eliancy Salvador Island TV, Mr. Moise Pierre Richard.

At the end of the meeting, the candidate despite a long and arduous day has kept her smile and before leaving the room, took care to greet each individual audience member with a kind word for everyone. A smile of satisfaction and pride hung on every face.

informal dinner

Official members of the Committee Lavalas Haitians overseas had the same evening an informal dinner alone with me Céant, the family members present and members of his team campaign: former minister Culture Hancy Mr. Pierre-Louis, and former vice chairman of the Central Bank Mr. Guy Paul.

Following the meeting of 23 October 2010 and the private meeting held between members of CFHLO and presidential candidate Jean Henry Céant, the committee decided unanimously to give its support Céant me, a brilliant candidate, qualified and concerned about the welfare of his country and its people.

Committee Lavalas Haitians overseas is on the side of public opinion that recognizes me as a candidate Céant reliable and qualified with a real chance gagner de la competition Elections présidentielle de novembre prochain. When two candidates love Haiti, May. Jean Henry Céant est donc l'homme du moment.


"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"
POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
http: / /

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Mathematica 5.2 Indir



Members, Supporters, Fans, sympathizers of the Lavalas Family, Haitians in the diaspora. Come together with candidate Céant around the theme of his campaign.The Committee Fanmi Lavalas of Haitians overseas (CFLHO) sends warm greetings on behalf of our motherland Haiti.
In its ultimate desire to unite all Haitians around the table for a national dialogue and block the road to a possible extension of the dictatorship of President Preval currently in gestation, the Committee calls upon your class consciousness and belonging to preserve the democratic gains from the ideologies of December 16, 1990.
We cordially invite you to enjoy a meeting of questions and answers with the presidential candidate, Mr. Jean Henry Céant around the theme of his campaign: "TOUT MOUN LADAN L”.
This exchange occurs in a particular context of the history of our country since the euphoria of the wind of democratization that ended with the February 2004 kidnapping of President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, the dream of the protection of the masses has become a desperate endeavor which has been slow to materialize.

Haiti is at an important step in its transition process both at home and abroad, giving rise to infinite hopes for the reconstruction of our political and economic fabric. Being a community that believes in an ideology of social equity, it behooves us to be guided by a spirit of magnanimity and solidarity, so that together we came out winners in this ideological struggle that unites us.
Our common goal is to guide the Haitian people towards the path of progress and equity. Today our duty is to strategize and protect our democratic gains.

Fanmi Lavalas was once again excluded from the electoral contest with the complicity of the international community which continues to stubbornly turn a deaf ear to the demands of the Haitian people. So we need new strategies to achieve common goals to benefit the majority.
Against a backdrop of anxieties and questions facing us for an uncertain future, CFLHO takes the opportunity to invite you on October 23 so that together, we may design a better strategic direction to the upcoming Haitian elections and ensure the selection of a president capable of promoting a policy that reflects the aspirations of our people.

Come in droves Saturday, October 23 from 1PM: 00 until 7: 00 PM; at the local of Lively Stone Church of Miami 8025 NW Miami Ct. Miami, FL 33153 to discuss with candidate Céant in anticipation of elections. "From the clash of ideas sprang the light." Share our strength and our belief that together we continue the struggle to achieve a better future for our people!

Unite Haitian brothers and sisters to ensure the best for our country, not waiting for the worst again to shed tears because of the bloodshed of our compatriots.In order to provide a service worthy of the public who will attend this meeting, we urge you to confirm your participation. You can do so by email or by calling 312-735-6297, 561-306-4905

"Yon sèl nou fèb, ansanm nou fò, ansanm, ansanm nou se Lavalas".The Committee therefore reiterates to you its best regards and wishes you in advanced welcome.

Title: Dialogue with presidential candidate Jean Henry Céant around the theme (Tout Moun Ladan L) Date: October 23, 2010Time: 1:00 to 7:00 pmLocation: Lively Stone Church of Miami, located on 8025 NW Miami Ct. Miami, FL 33153


"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"
POBOX 2252
Fort Pierce , Florida 34954

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Best Of Jemma Jameson


Members, Supporters, Fans, sympathizer of the Lavalas , Haitians in the diaspora come together with the candidate Céant around the theme of his campaign.


Committee Lavalas Haitians overseas showing his warm greetings on behalf of our motherland. In its ultimate desire to unite all Haitians around the table of national dialogue and block the road to a possible extension of the dictatorship of President Preval in gestation, the Committee calls upon your class consciousness and belonging to conserve the gains democratic ideologies from the December 16, 1990.

We invite you cordially to take advantage of a meeting of give and take with the presidential candidate, Mr. John Henry Céant around the theme of his campaign: "Every Moun Ladan l).

This exchange occurs in a particular context of the history of our country since the euphoria of the wind of democratization that ended with the February 2004 kidnapping of an alternation is desperate which is slow to materialize. Haiti is an important step in its transition process both at home and abroad, gives rise to infinite hopes for the reconstruction of our political and economic fabric. Being a community that is changing the name of a single ideology, it behooves us to be guided by a spirit of magnanimity and solidarity, so that together we came out winners of this ideological struggle that unites us.

Our common goal is it not guide the Haitian people towards the path of progress and delivery? Even today the duty to us. We were again excluded from the electoral contest with the complicity of the international community continues to stubbornly turn a deaf ear to the demands of the Haitian people. We Therefore, new strategies to achieve common goals to benefit the majority.

In the context of anxieties and questions facing an uncertain future as CFLHO invite you to return on October 23 so that together we were able to provide better strategic direction to the Haitian elections and ensure choosing a president capable of promoting a policy that reflects the aspirations of our people.

crowd Come Saturday, October 23 from 1:00 pm: until 7:00 pm, at the local church Lively Stone Church of Miami, located at 8025 NW Miami Ct Miami, FL 33153 to discuss with the candidate Céant in anticipation of elections. "From the clash of ideas sprang the light." Share our strength and our belief that together we continue the struggle to achieve a better future for our people!

Unite Haitian brothers and sisters to ensure the best for our country are not waiting for the worst again shed tears because of the shed blood of our compatriots.

In order to provide a service worthy of the public who will attend this meeting, we urge you to confirm your participation. You can do so via email to or by calling 312-735-6297

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas."

The Committee therefore reiterates its you best regards and wish you already welcome.

Reminder: Title: Dialogue with presidential candidate John Henry Céant around the Domain (All Moun Ladan L)
Date: October 23, 2010 Time: 1:00 to 7:00 pm Location: Lively Stone Church of Miami 8025 NW Miami Ct Miami, FL 33153.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas
PO BOX 2252
Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Country Cottage Playhouse


In Haiti, citizens delegate the exercise of national sovereignty has three branches: legislative, executive and judicial This explains why the full responsibility is attached to the acts of each of these three powers under Article 59 of the Constitution of 1987. However, Yvon Neptune, former head of government, the last Prime Minister of President Jean-Bertrand Exiled Aristide to South Africa, following the bloody coup of February 29, 2004, by his provocative statements, biased only reveals the nation's ignominious acts and consequently deliver his verdict, his conviction, after s be manipulated.

Indeed, Yvon Neptune, shameless, a founding member of the Lavalas Political Organization, which has not hesitated to cohabit with Boniface Alexandre after the coup he was one of the main instigators had already completed the role of spokesperson for the presidency before being elected senator from Republic of Haiti in May 2000. Became president of the Grand Corps, he hatched a conspiracy against Jean-Marie Chérestal, Prime Minister at the time in order to capture the Prime Minister's Office where he ruled as dictator until the true arrival of his successor Gerard Latortue, which was soon not to humiliate him.

Betrayed by the very people to whom he sold his soul, that wretched Judas lost his head today. The defactos needed a man close to President Aristide to do their dirty work and they found him in the person of Yvon Neptune.

Today, it is evident that the former Prime Minister has shamelessly betrayed. His greatness of a Prime Minister seeking publicity drives him to expose his infidelity. Would it be facing a crisis of conscience that leads him to confess his complicity in the kidnapping in February 2004? Why would he mention the existence of a letter of resignation that he himself has written? Did not he promised his followers as tried in vain to convince the president to sign it because you want to protect? It just does it not only because of his cunning leader of the majority is now in exile in South Africa and Haitian people more than ever, mired in misfortune? Neptune has miserably betrayed the trust placed in him by the Head of State and the Haitian people. It is a dangerous man for the country. Nicknamed

little man for his lack of personality, Yvon Neptune, pseudo-presidential candidate has confirmed its level of idiocy and banditry which has always been biased by his statement dated October 6. Far from denigrating the leader par excellence of the people of Haiti Jean-Bertrand Aristide, Neptune, on the contrary, condemns himself. Real traitor, he betrayed his faith by selling his soul and his conscience. What a shame! What idiocy! Neptune, by admitting that the chimeras had joined the National Police in the last days of President Aristide, only to expose his guilt to the Court of Common Law on the one hand.

other hand, it just show the world his idiocy, his meager knowledge of constitutional law. However, the 1987 constitution in its articles 159, 160 and 163 provides: The Prime Minister enforces the laws.

In case of absence or temporary inability of the President of the Republic or at its request, the Prime Minister chairs the Council of Ministers. It has the regulatory power but it can not interpret Laws, Acts and Decrees nor refrain from enforcing them. He appoints and dismisses directly or by delegation of civil servants. In addition, the Prime Minister and the Ministers are jointly responsible for the acts of the President of the Republic that they countersign those of their departments. They are also responsible for the enforcement of laws, each in their respect.

With these considerations, Yvon Neptune, the last Prime Minister of President Aristide, has violated the Constitution of the country by integrating its own chimeras within the National Police as Head of Government and Council President National Police. This heinous act, unworthy of a Prime Minister under the jurisdiction of the High Court of Justice.

As the former Chairman of the Grand Corps of the Republic of Haiti was able to escape the responsibilities attached to his duties; Since it was not disclosed or submitted his resignation to the President of the Republic at that time then, as stipulated in Article 165 of the said Constitution, Yvon Neptune should be brought before the High Court of Justice for political crimes.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Monday, September 20, 2010

Prood Of Community Service

Haitian elections: unfair and undemocratic html # ixzz0z3migpZV

Imagine for a moment that the Federal Commission for Elections U.S. decides to remove the Democratic and Republican parties the 2012 presidential election and declared that only candidates of small parties can participate. Certainly no one would consider such a just decision and the American people would rise en masse to protest and declare such election unconstitutional and undemocratic. Yet the presidential and parliamentary elections of 28 November in Haiti are exactly that: unjust, unconstitutional and undemocratic.

Haitian Provisional Electoral Council, which is itself unconstitutional in its composition, refuses to give the majority party in the country to find the right Lavalas to participate in elections. Thirteen other legitimate political parties are also excluded from the forthcoming parliamentary elections.

The last time the Lavalas Organization, headed by former president Jean Bertrand Aristide, was allowed to participate in a democratic election she won by a landslide. In May 2000, during the first term of President René Préval, Lavalas won virtually every seat in the Lower House and local authorities. She also won the most seats in the Senate and the presidency. Since the kidnapping / coup in February 2004, Lavalas is prohibited from participating in political life of Haiti.

The current Provisional Electoral Council, handpicked by President Préval
, fabricated a new eligibility requirement to disqualify the Lavalas presidential election. This new rule requires that
the head of each registered party in person their candidates for president.
However, President Jean-Bertrand Aristide is in exile in South Africa where a tacit agreement between several governments forcing them to stay. While the great powers maintain a formal code of silence about Aristide and his right to return his own country, yet they are working feverishly informally, with the complicity of the South African government to ensure that Aristide remains indefinitely in South Africa. At the same time, the government of Haiti refuses to renew the passport to enable him to Aristide return to Haiti to register his party in the upcoming elections.

Obviously, these political maneuvers are not immune to the Haitian people. While major U.S. media only talk about the reliability of presidential candidate Jean Wyclef or what Sean Penn thinks about the candidacy of the latter, the Haitian people refuses to leave ridicule. Indeed, he knows that the next presidential election we are trying to impose undemocratic. As he did in 2005, the vast majority of the Haitian people will only support the presidential candidate that can guarantee the return of Aristide and Lavalas integration of Haiti's electoral system.

With the exclusion of Lavalas from the electoral race, the turnout at the polls will be extremely low, and no need to be learned to predict the reaction of the international authorities. They certainly say that "one could not expect better account view of the disastrous earthquake. " The outcome of this election can have disastrous consequences for long-term Haiti and the international community. It will undermine the stated goal of the United States and its allies to complete a certain stability in Haiti, and undermine the legitimacy and viability of a central government of Haiti who is not elected, but chosen for the people.

In a report of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Republican Senator Richard Lugar, the state of Indiana, asked the President Préval to restructure the Board CEP and ensure the participation of opposition parties including Lavalas. Lugar argued that the November elections will lack credibility if not. Lugar also said that `` the absence of democratically elected successors plunge Haiti into chaos for sure.''

elections honest and inclusive - that embrace the participation of
Fanmi Lavalas and all legitimate political parties and compliance right of all political exiles to return home, including Aristide - are essential for the establishment of a legitimate Haitian government capable of effectively managing the reconstruction of Haiti. Consent to the election unfair, based on exclusion might seem appropriate in the short term but in the medium and long term accept rigged elections will ensure any civilian uprisings and political controversies. Such a situation will jeopardize the investments of the international community in Haiti, while leaving the country vulnerable to future disasters natural, economic and political.

For us Americans who believe in the expansion of democracy around the world, it is difficult to understand the code of silence of the United States and nations that support the disenfranchisement Haïtien du peuple par l'elimination du party majoritaire des prochaines elections.

Ira J. Kurzban's attorney general shall summer aux États-Unis pour la République d'Haïti 13 ans pending spring présidence d'Aristide's first administration et de Preval.

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954 /

Best Crab Cakes In Washington Dc

we do not forget Mr. Oliver N'Goma

Cleaning White G-shocks

small tribute to Mr Patrick Saint Eloi

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Windows 7 And Hp 1500


September 8, 2010, 12:23 AM

This year, The Carter Center has announced that it will take 10 years to eradicate malaria from Haiti the Dominican Republic. The investment is estimated at $ 194 million U.S.

Written by: Adalberto de la Rosa and A. ORTIZ (a.ortiz @ )

The Minister of Public Health Bautista Rojas, warned yesterday on the increase in malaria cases. He said he had registered 1600 cases, which he attributed to illegal immigration. "We've had four years of decline. It is clear that malaria is decreasing year after year, we obtained the curve.

However, this year we recorded a few more cases. The reason it hurts said, is the importation of malaria. "In recent years, the average number of cases per year has increased to about 1500, mainly in the Cibao and Higuey. When the interviewer asked about the testing procedures and precautions, the manager replied: "What can we do to a human being who comes to us in a hospital? ... The cure!

However, yesterday reported an increase in the control of epidemiological surveillance on the border between the two countries to prevent the disease from Haiti. In making this statement, the Health Minister Bautista Rojas Gomez said they were available more than a million doses of vaccines to Dominicans and Haitians who are attending or cross the border.

Among the vaccines cited: polio, whooping cough, rabies, diphtheria, tetanus, typhoid, pneumococcus, hepatitis B and measles to prevent health complications. These vaccines have been distributed to health facilities in Monte Cristi, Dajabón, Independencia, Elías Piña, and Pedernales.

Also in other areas such as: Baoruco, Barahona, Santiago Rodriguez, Azua, Valverde, La Romana, Altagracia.Il said however that the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) and other international organizations reported no alert of an epidemic of rubella or any other disease from the territory of Haiti.

Measures Applied

Minister of Health stated that his department has implemented strict procedures and recommendations contained in the International Health, "to avoid diseases.


He explained that following the January 12 earthquake that hit Haiti, the Dominican health authorities have kept a close watch on the border.


Following the increase of diseases in Haiti, the Dominican society of infectious diseases has warned health officials against the spread of malaria and measles, and its impact on the country. He urged them to take necessary preventive measures to control any epidemic.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas


POBOX 2252

Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Having Chlamydia Twice?

My little rant of the season ...

change of flux for some radios, namely:

RCI RCI mq gp

Fusion RBR
Super Radio

flows of these radios are up to date now. About CES
engage only me but the radios are really but really ... CH changing flow every 2 jours.Pour a small radio / internet radio I want to understand (and again) but the big guns like rci; rfo; nrj I do not understand in short .... is that the professionalism of those so-called radio.

By the end of some radio / webradio inactive for quite some time will be removed for better readability of the site.
example spyone; Difé; sas; hollyzook to name a few.

Friday, September 3, 2010

Template For Jersey Cake


Mr. Insulza after eating the candy (Dieur) of President Preval in previous years, is well imbued with the fact that his organization and its presence in Haiti are no longer welcome as President Preval is leading the country. Today he is trying desperately to regain the grace of his rival by giving the seal of approval this system that he can put in place with the complicity of the 48th Legislature.

Jose Miguel Insulza was elected to head LOEA by consensus for a second term as Secretary General of the OAS, March 24, 2010. He does not know much in regards to the holding of elections. The word consensus by definition has nothing to do with elections.

A consensus is defined as a general agreement among several people on one hand and, secondly, by solidarity of a group of a belief or a feeling. Thus it was agreed to head the Organization of American States.

Insulza says demand of member countries to continue working for democracy, human rights, public safety and other common values he claims commitment to strengthen democratic institutions and good governance in the region. But if this commitment is, why he continues to trample applications Lavalas? Do not think he not only the Haitian people deserve better?

Not Mr. Insulza, there is nothing "credible and normal" in this electoral system, the CEP (Provisional Electoral Council) is an institution not recognized by the constitution 1987. Unlike those who believe the power of the Provisional Electoral Council derives from Article 197 of the 1987 constitution. The Provisional Electoral Council should the contrary be sued for breach of Article 197 and violations of election laws.

Article 197 of the Constitution
The Permanent Electoral Council is the litigation of all disputes that arise in either elections or in the application or violation of election law, subject to any legal prosecution undertaken by the culprits before the courts.

The majority of political parties approved and not approved dispute the PRC as a whole, how is it that The OAS supports the PRC and the electoral machine implemented despite the objections of the majority of the electorate ?

A CEP that is not even able to give candidates or interested a map of election districts that oversee particular needs. Is this a normal process or sheer demagoguery?

To refresh your lanterns Mr. Insulza on the CEP Gaillot Dorcinvil you just blindly endorse or sheer connivance we remind you this: no country in the world that a state institution is above of the law. The CEP Dorcinvil declares independence and discusses theories can to meet customers election knowing that these issues should and can only be addressed by the Court of First Instance and Court of Cassation.

example the issue of landfills and stipulated in Article 135 of the constitution: if there is interference, they must be submitted before the court hearing the application and if the decision is not acceptable candidates, the last resort is the Court of Cassation. Yet, this POC continues to decide on constitutional issues without the support of the Haitian judicial system.

Any candidate with court records that he is guilty or not should do everything in its power to achieve his criminal record in order not to be in contravention of the law, while the CEP itself admits people in the elections in full violation of the constitution and electoral laws.

In regard to the participation of Lavalas in the elections of November 2010, there is nothing legal in excluding Lavalas of electoral contests. Its exclusion as you know means that the vast majority of the people and this is not normal as you state. If

The OAS is an organization that validates elections across Latin America and the Caribbean, we think it should be a noble position in the struggle for the emancipation of the masses. But now we note with bitterness the forfeiture of that institution. It does not fulfill its mission and works rather to the weakening of the mass hungry worldwide. It is therefore clear that the OAS does not have moral fiber credible to reach a verdict on matters of great importance to the nation of Haiti as the protection of its sovereignty or the choice of Leaders meeting the ideals of the founding fathers of the Haitian nation.

We say loudly to the OAS and Mr. Insulza, the electoral process Gaillot Dorcinvil and President Préval is not normal and is condemned by the majority of the Haitian people.

"Yon sèl new feb, together we must, together, together we are Lavalas "

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Amazon Music Artist Sunday

productivity Synthesis

I come to terms with my small selection of utilities that make life easier. So it summarizes:
  1. Time Management: ManicTime
  2. Managing passwords: KeePass Password Safe
  3. Screenshot: Lightscreen
  4. Management clipboard: ClipX
  5. Software Updates: Update Checker
  6. Launch applications: Launchy
  7. Google
    1. Chrome
    2. Gmail
    3. Google Reader
    4. iGoogle
    5. Google Wave
Here's a link to stay informed about possible additions to this list:Élixir
You can also go shopping on the following link: The Best Free Software of 2010

hope that all this will be useful as mine, but the fact, and you, what are yours?

Sunday, May 2, 2010

Free Mini Sandrail Plans

Elixir productivity: the case Google

First summarize the recipe, then study the chunk in terms of productivity what Google .

In general, we can say that all Google services and tools are well designed and relatively easy to use. Add to this the fact that most of these applications are web applications and not applications to install on his machine, and you get two immediate benefits and substantial:
  1. Moving from one computer to another by recovering its information
  2. Saving power machine by reducing the number of applications running in the background (eg email).
course, the absence of these qualities is that your information is in the Google cloud! You choose

Still, I made my choice, and here they are now indispensable to me:

  1. Google Chrome: Google's web browser simple, fast, reliable and scalable. I can not understand why it is not already the first used and why changes are so slow (but they do)

  2. Gmail: Mail by Google, again is intuitive and you can consolidate all your accounts on your mail-box Letters (BAL for short) associated with your google account all through a web browser.

  3. Google Reader: If you are familiar with RSS is ideal feed reader. Otherwise, roughly speaking, almost all sites now offer RSS address to disseminate their contents, you centralize all in an aggregator flow (eg Google Reader) and through a single interface to access all your content from your favorite sites. Thus, you can receive hundreds of information you can quickly sort and select only what interests you

    Little more, I discovered there Not long Helvetireader2 réhabille that the reader interface for better readability.

  4. iGoogle : When you create a google account, you can continue to use Google to your usual but there is the possibility of using the iGoogle page (top right of the screen). This page is completely customizable, thousands of gadgets are available to be added to your page (the more useful than zero of course) any RSS feed can also be added. For example, here is a piece of my current page, where you can see a nice theme, my mail, latest news, Google calendar (very nice too), and the weather ... going a little pub:) ... boulatin the gadget which displays a Zoli drawing on your page!

  5. Google Wave: and the last one but still experimental so it is special. Google's stated ambition is to revolutionize the way we communicate, the results of their research is this tool. For my part, what I understood is that with it you can chat, join all types of files (images, videos) from publicly or privately, and many other things. Where this is really different is that when you open a channel (one said a wave) it remains open. You associate your contacts who might be interested in this wave and go from there, everyone communicates in his own way happily. Rather skeptical at first, I am increasingly convinced ... you can always try anyway (I have some invitations to join just ask me).

That's how quick overview of Google applications I use most, but there are many others:

Also, many of these applications are available at Mobile, and if you're lucky enough to have a Google Phone (with a phone operating system Google Android ) you still have something fun!
A small anecdote, when my last phone me to come loose, I did nothing that all of my contacts is retrieved and updated since it was all done by a sync from contacts GMail. A single directory and day I searched a long time ...
Well, I stop right there, after I become painful) + +

Sunday, April 25, 2010

What Can I Use Under My Treadmill

Elixir productivity: Launchy

... I almost forgot the most obvious one I use constantly and I ended up forgetting:

Rather than looking to the mouse (oh laut 'to the mouse pffff) in Start> All Programs> blah blah blah, you do ALT + SPACE, a small window opens, you type the first two letters of what you are looking for and presto it appears, then ENTER and the program starts.

Obviously, there is a small parameter to To refine the programs or shortcuts that will be launched. In the catalog tab, you set the paths to be analyzed and the extensions (eg *. exe, *. lnk)

The application also has a plugin like a calculator and the creation of custom control.

A must have as they say!

Monday, April 19, 2010

Kate's Playground Pelicula

Unable to delete: File name too Elixir long

in console mode:
rd / Q / s LeRepertoireASupprimer

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Where Can I Find Lollicon

productivity: Update

To keep his current job here is a handy little utility Update Checker :

so you spend more next update Flash, Acrobat, etc. ... The software manages a bunch of software, simple to configure and use ... practice, in fact! Note small mismatches in a French post but that should disappear in the latest product updates

In the same category are Secunia PSI it is oriented more vulnerabilities and security flaws. Following analysis, the software prompts the system to be patched

With all that you are uptodate!