Wednesday, January 12, 2011

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The earthquake of January 12, 2010 a magnitude 7.0 to 7.3 on the Richter scale struck Haiti at exactly 4 hours and 53 minutes pm. Its epicenter located approximately 25 km from Port-au-Prince, Haiti's capital has caused considerable damage. More than a dozen aftershocks of magnitude measuring between 4.5 and 5.9 on the Richter scale were recorded that day in the hours that followed the initial quake.

The earthquake of January 12 has caused hundreds of thousands of victims: dead, wounded survivors, mental trauma and property loss exceeding 2 times the GDP of Haiti. Many buildings were also destroyed, including the National Palace, the Courthouse, the Cathedral of Port-au-Prince, departments, many schools, churches ...

In fact, more than a quarter million Haitians were killed by lethal violence of this cataclysm. Among the dead, many have not even known grave without speaking of those who stayed until now buried under debris.

January 12, 2011 This marks the first anniversary of this terrible disaster, we salute the memory of all those who have disappeared. It is our duty to keep the past alive as painful as it may be to help us to enlighten our present holding in its hands the key to our future. That these losses are priceless and unforgettable shield to those who profess to lead Haiti and all those who persevere in the struggle for a better future alongside of our people dying.

On February 9, 2010 the government moribund Preval / Bellerive has confirmed a record of more than 250,000 dead, 300,000 injured and 1.5 million homeless, not to mention those who remained buried under rubble or discuss their potential impact on the health and lives of survivors. Ah! If only the dead could speak, they express their anger at once for having been so quickly abandoned to their fate. Many will tell us the nightmare of endless agony, panic, hope, despair, disbelief ...

A year later, the ruins are still not cleared to remind us the magnitude of this unprecedented disaster that nearly engulfed Haiti in less than a minute. Even the French settlers who were of indescribable cruelty toward us Haitians have been able to destroy so many in so short a time as did the "goudougoudou" of January 12, 2010.

The American Geological Institute announced on January 24 have recorded 52 aftershocks with a magnitude greater than or equal to 4.5.

Only a small number of survivors were retrieved from the rubble by rescue teams from around the world. This international solidarity has reinforced the efforts of the Haitian on the ground themselves, often with bare hands, rescued from the rubble of hundreds of people while the government's blatant disregard Preval / Bellerive continued to be felt.

The Haitian state structures that were virtually nonexistent before the earthquake then received a fatal blow. The government decimated half was completely overwhelmed by this unprecedented event.

Three days later, a state of emergency was declared throughout the country for a period of one month without any statement from the government, without any coordination effort of international solidarity to ensure the well being of the population helpless, bruised and lacking everything.

If before 1804, a Haitian population estimated at 500, 000 inhabitants it took only 200 compatriots to free the country from the yoke of slavery, it is to wonder what happens in 2010. Our civic consciousness is it so agonizing? Do we all Haitians inside or outside reassess our values about our responsibilities to the Haitian homeland? In 2009

Haiti's population was estimated at more than 10, 000,000 inhabitants in one year almost 10% of the Haitian population was decimated before our eyes by the earthquake, cholera and starvation without an adequate response or mobilization of those in power.

The Preval government incompetence / Bellerive led us to an almost non-existent void in the annals of our history. More than 2% of the population is already infected with the virus of cholera imported to Haiti by the Minustha and after a projection for 2011 made up 5% of the population will be affected by this disease.

What does Minustha to make amends, and what are the steps taken by the government in place to protect the population?

In addition to medical care, it is essential to make available to the public treatment centers in drinking water to at least ensure that this scourge does not engulf the entire nation. It would be of extreme importance that the Minustha has some of those 865 million annually for clean water projects in areas affected by the disease first and throughout the country where drinking water is not yet available. The disease was imported by the troops of the Minustha not only important disastrous on the national economy and the tourism industry in Haiti, it also contributes to worsen the image of Haiti in the eyes of the world.

An assistance fund for families of victims during and post-morbid cholera and health centers in affected communities should be considered. The Minustha triggered a bomb on the Haitian population that is capable of destroying it in less than 10 years. What is she doing to repair the damage caused to the people it claims to be protecting?

Now to what has become the scourge human Haitian politics.
The masquerade of November 28, 2010 was an insult to the Haitian nation in the eyes of the world. At a time when the country's president should show compassion to the nation, he continues to insult him in his misery, tents, drinking water and without work.

To add insult to the people's misery, President Préval has created dysfunctional institutions throughout the country. Last January 10 was to hold a National Assembly, which was canceled because of the lapse of the Chamber of Deputies and the Senate. In addition Rump of CEP Dorsinvil Gaillot gave birth to a heinous crime on November 28 last to know:

Morning elections, heavily armed individuals have closed office doors in the faces of those who waited for hours the chance to vote, stuffed ballot boxes and ransacked polling stations ... ....

• 20% of eligible voters were not in possession of their registration cards

• The electoral register was totally incomplete with most people carry their voter card unable to vote.

• There was a massive government interference; early in the day, pick-up in the morning the police were conducting the public transport service transporting people into polling stations and paid them to vote for Jude Celestin

• Electoral general and partial Elections should be ready 60 days and 30 days respectively before the elections, while that on the morning of election the lists were incomplete.

• We saw a disproportionate funding of party members Init Preval / Bellerive with the possibility of injection of dirty money in the electoral process

• Flight massive polling and interference from the incumbent, Jude Celestin

• The National Police and the NCA have been used before and during the voting day to intimidate, paying people to work for the benefit of Jude Celestin

• The "Cash for Work "was turned into cash for vote as disinterested gaze of the international community

• The office of National Identity Card (ONI) has been retained and was unable to issue cards to vote at nearly one million persons entitled to vote

• Government officials have publicly campaigned for Jude Celestin, paid to influence the vote on behalf of Jude Celestin before and during elections

• The exclusion of Lavalas ....

Despite these inconsistencies, it is still a glimmer of hope for Haiti out of this mess caused by the Préval government Bellerive. The group of 12, dubbed the Twelve Apostles and the candidates for deputies and senate have now held the torch of mobilization for the elimination:

• Polls of November 28, 2010

• The trial of members CEP and its acolytes

• The application of section 149 of the constitution of 1987 from February 7, 2011 • For

Lavalas, it was clear that President Préval and his government did not have the morality necessary to defend the vital interests of the nation and its most respected choices as free people.

• For these heinous misdeeds of this government, Lavalas claims

• A national leadership for a reconstruction that emphasize national priorities

• The return of the PRC continues to violate the constitution and the rights of citizens

• The return of MINUSTAH as a condition for the respect and protection of national sovereignty

• The inclusion of Lavalas in the country's affairs.

• The return to the country's undisputed leader, Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide

These requests are reasonable and would be a breath of fresh air to an antiquated and moribund government.

We want to mark that date difficult for the Haitian nation, that January 12 is for us a day of renewal for the loss of much of our nation is not in vain.

That Haiti is provided with a government that prioritizes its own interests and wants at all costs put an end to this aberration What people suffered bruised. Yes, Haiti deserves a government that may

1. Ending impotence public face all sorts of insecurities

2. Create an irreproachable democracy

3. Overcoming unemployment, sickness, misery

4. Increase the purchasing power of the powerless mass

5. Responding to the urgency of sustainable development, employment and housing

6. Make available to the people of the schools that guarantee the success of all students

7. Turn Higher Education the scope of the disadvantaged and mass-level research of the best

8. Remove the tough neighborhoods of the cycle of violence and relegation

9. Put Haiti underline the concert of nations. Use cultural heritage that we represent the struggle of marginalized countries as currency

If these situations persist in Haiti: cholera, food insufficiency, the electoral crisis etc.. That we were all going to hell in 2011 with President Preval his government, the international community, because the country has had enough.

It is time for all Haitians at home or elsewhere are found in the unit fraternity and to finally build a better Haiti. This is the future of our children. That the tragic fate and the memory of the fallen we are still familiar and suffering and grief of families who survived helping those who are leading the country to excel. The pain we all scored IS THAT THE RADICAL CHANGE IS FOR PEOPLE WHO FOR OVER 200 YEARS, THE ONLY CHANCE TO LIVE IN DIGNITY.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


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