Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Fatal System Error C00021a Windows Xp

The expedition Hillary Clinton

punitive expeditions commissioned and sponsored by sadists and the worst kind of hardened, Haiti has been so since the time of colonization damn fierce under the leadership of France today that "civilization". However, despite the efforts of the moult imperialist monster change maneuvers, the chromosomes of discrimination remain intact and prevent it from materializing their dreams of a new world order as it is trumpeted through the media sensation. Make

stranglehold on the wealth of low ability to defend itself. Establish Wild structures (Religion, Media and MINUSTAH) to contain any hint of even the tiniest change in the subhuman conditions of existence of the masses ostracized excessive. Use these countries as downcomer of their surplus production.

advantage of the benefits of this thriving industry terrible misery to allow their experts through NGOs to perfect their ghost experiences commodification of the masses. These points mentioned above form the core of the imperialist plan for impoverished countries mercilessly by sordid avarice their citizens (settlers, occupiers, experts, cooperating or multinational).

And, tragically, our beloved Haiti is cataloged among the territories set torque setting for the sole purpose of satisfying the appetite for sadism and inhumanity of the masters of the world inevitable. In this vein the proselytes of expansionism will undertake disproportionate interminable rides in these conquered countries and for the most part, subject to a disgusting occupation as was the case in Haiti since March 2004. With its sovereignty

marginalized under the boots of the soldiers sordid UN Haiti has been denied any rights. Even the right to be spared from the epidemic of cholera imported from Nepal by the police to MINUSTAH. This new situation has complicated the health situation of over one and a half million compatriots in the grip of the worst vicissitudes resulting from the disaster of January 12, 2010.

"Elections": Fantasies of Mullet

Faced with so many vicissitudes insurmountable, time is not the "elections" but, reconstruction and other reflections carriers. However, a demon named Edmond Mullet, which in principle should be declared persona non gratia country threatened sanctions if the apocalyptic ravings of electors of the empire are not being met quickly. And reassured of diplomatic immunity that allows the worst flattening, the Mullet is not passed through four paths to vent his instincts proconsul treacherous.

From his lips slobber soaked in reeking of the venom of threats of severe sanctions against Haiti, the devil, forgiveness Edmond Mulet has unilaterally decided to impose "elections" exclusions as a durable solution to the multiple crises cloned in labs imperialist . Imposed on that country destroyed by the disaster of 12 January, Mulet, and his soldiers propagators of cholera virus, the experts of these NGOs is already an apocalyptic punishment which the country can not resist.

But imposing masses conscientisées "elections" exclusions is one thing. Achieve force them to swallow this pill venomous, this is another puzzle that Mulet blinded by this automation revolution yet own these unscrupulous occupants failed to so rumble. The chaos created by the disaster of January 12, aggravated by these jokes would lead to endless diplomatic strings.

Apart from these false promises effused an air of deception, such as hikes have followed the brackish taste of diplomatic hypocrisy and disappointment for those social strata that s'éreintent for the most part under the rubble view to live in dignity. More than 14 months after the earthquake of January 12, 2010 wild, as results from the absence of conclusive result, degrading mortifications of the survivors got worse.

Shipping Hillary Clinton

Sieur Clinton seeking a star lost for ages, to date fails to account for its mops on the sites of the disaster in 1995 where he promised more than a thousand kilometers of highway and a country completely reforested. Or while bef! Exhausted by the attacks of arthritis and can not brave the bitter cold of climate change, former president Jester advised his wife to try one of his choreography diplomatic waltz named seismic and cholera on a backdrop of electoral upheaval.

To prove the superiority of the fantasies of empire on the Haitian popular sovereignty bled white by the cynicism of white the lady Clinton rightly called the Iron Lady has landed at the Toussaint Louverture International Airport on a beautiful sunny day with a tropical Sunday, January 30, 2011. Packaged in a blue suit, he lacked the helmet the same color to resemble a UN soldier Constable / Commander.

globules of discrimination were rolling at full speed in his veins as Secretary of State to the imperialist power of the most savage century. Results of "elections" of November 28, 2010, deletion of entry visas to U.S. arrest warrants, all sorts of pressure and disintegration Group 12 in group 2, what was in his bag threats.

Having lost his patience and his cool, already in the diplomatic lounge, she failed to read the election results that has dictated a certain Jacques Bernard. Have we already forgotten that this formidable Jacques Bernard, as an expert on "fabulous," has been delegated by Washington to define the strategy to enable them to find ways and means to expel the Candidate of the insider, Engineering Jude Celestin of the race for the presidency of Haiti.

Where would the past for analysts Political media including Radio Metropole GNB stipendiary exclusively to demolish LAVALAS. How hard this radio gravedigger said the rantings of Jean Rene Duperval who had laid charges against President Aristide? These media are the "objectivity" their only compass, would they also vassals to the point of not seeking to have the findings of this secret mission sponsored specifically by President Obama. The recommendations of Jacques Bernard, ie the setting aside of the engineer Jude Celestin candidate Linite cluttered bag threats Madam. Hillary Clinton

proconsul in occupied territory was handed from hand to hand the results of these "elections" cash for vote on Sunday, November 28, 2010 to the Presidents Preval and the current one in the PRC, Mr. Dorsinvil Gaillot. The instructions were passed to whether the PRC spokesman Mr. Richardson Dumesle who read just after dawn on Thursday, February 3, 2011. Pòdyab ti malere there!

Even for a second, the leader has dropped its mines iron lady that she has adopted to inculcate his orders to his subordinates and even the Electoral Council to President Préval and Prime Minister Jean Max Bellerive. Meanwhile, the Chief has tried to erase his memories of the pediment that perpetual upheaval that made unlivable Haiti were cooked in its own laboratories working at full capacity for the loss of several countries including ours. These laboratories

buried in the confines of the stars embassies apocalyptic highly protected by diplomatic immunity shields work at full capacity. Lab mix and these venoms of defamation, denigration, of the destabilization of bloody coups, (29/30 September 1991, February 29, 2004) to achieve the loss of this country that so sick of this misery that he has imposed.

Why so high an authority has had to give so much for coming hardships imposed on an entire nation the results of the buffoonery of November 28, 2010. Why Madam Chief, she believes the facilities made available by the technology of communication: cell phones, fax, email, SMS, etc. cables. Together, Madam Chief spends all his energy to neutralize the agony caused by the spine of the Egyptian crisis wedged heel of Achilles policemen of the world.

If the iron lady deliberately chose to return to Haiti at this moment when all eyes are riveted to Egypt and other African countries, it is just to express in person his threats to indigestible Haiti's highest authorities. Anyway, it merely carries out the letter the work for which it was programmed.

The chores have always been too nauseous assigned to the "diplomats" whose arteries are full of resentment, discrimination and racism against the people who gave birth to the freedom of black America. One remembers in 2004, it was Colin Powell and Brian Dean Curran, both proponents of the disaster they returned GNB responsibility to round up the attackers, military arm of the Group of 184, to burn, kill, raping and destroying all public offices across their path and create the objective conditions in the destabilization and occupation.

Madam felt more comfortable after that his country has used the weapon to the cancellation of entry visas to the United States against the supporters of the insider with a current member of the Government in the occurrence economist Gérald Germain, Minister of Social Affairs and Labour. The chief diplomat in Haiti, Marie Michele Rey ignores this unpardonable affront Yet even for the common man and chose to adopt a profile of guinea fowl. Kouman the Minis Germain gade nan do I?

The true mission of Hillary Clinton in Haiti was to obtain by every means the surrender of the engineer Jude Celestin. Secondly, the Commander should reproach sounding to President Preval to having failed miserably in his endless attempts to destroy the Lavalas Movement in spite of multiple means at his disposal. Manz is the LAVALAS konprann dwe yon Bagay KONSA KONSA! 10 ti piti Tankou the ... .... !

insult to injury, against the will of the masters of the world, following this unsustainable popular mobilization, a diplomatic passport has been issued to the one truly popular leader in Haiti. If Clinton Madan Konn al Bagay its ap fè tou estwok. (I ta good)

Thus, beside the dismay to the heroic resistance of a people beset by the worst mortifications, the imperialist powers and the United States in particular, as part of their policy worse , throw back their sights on Michel Martelly Mirlande Manigat or in case we finish once and for all. According to their projections clearly awkward with any of these two thieves of grenn goch, the right or the extreme right, they would have more fatigue to keep the masses on a leash. But, Madam Chief will succeed one day to admit that the interference, discrimination, xenophobia, contempt for the sovereignty of peoples, horror, crime must be limits?

Cholera versus imperialism

Mrs. Clinton, during this expedition was nth made in a registration center for victims of cholera, and also make the show even in the midst of their suffering excruciating. If at least the Iron Lady would have the courage to present to the parents of the martyrs of MINUSTAH, the U.S. government apology. To do this she must first of all admit publicly that this destructive virus of life was imposed on poor farmers by Nepalese soldiers.

These Nepalese soldiers from rich at the expense of destabilization imposed by elites GNB, are part of the Minustha. And Minustha was imposed on us by the imperialist powers including the Pentagon, Hexagon and the Maple Leaf Following the coup sponsored kidnapping and executed with strict orders from Washington with George Bush as president for the misery of Haiti, Afghanistan and Iraq.

The Iron Lady, ordering the dispatch of 30 January 2011, did not have enough courage to go to the evidence that the situation of turmoil and a curse that saw the country that is currently the materialization of the American plan for Haiti. Madam, Commander of the expedition did not realize that from 2000 to today, international cooperation is fruitful in coup, in forced exile in disasters, hypocrisy, in turmoil, in exclusion, threats, "elections" challenged, occupation, interference in humiliation, in contempt, natural earthquake, election economic, social, political, in cholera, murder etc..

Washington unmasked

Will notorious Department Loved U.S. State to prevent former President Aristide to return to his own country is a variable in the discrimination strategy of the empire vampire. But behind this "presence after the second "tower" lies a trap easily detectable. As soon as the "results" of this election imposed reply, President Obama will have ample opportunity to threaten the president "elected" the worst punishment if he would agree that President Aristide will return home with his family, which is a right which he was right. Yet with one voice cried with one voice: No "second round" of no return. Nou Tande??

the same time, the Man of Steel Barak Obama, who in his hallucinations he promised voters "may" everything has shrunk the eyes of the world. Through this discriminatory decision, he forgets too quickly that he himself has fallen prey to the same segregation that he was unfairly subjected to another black president like him, Dr Jean Bertrand Aristide. GNB probably lobbyists have intoxicated with their brazen diatribes, which is their only certificate of competency. Nou Konn GNB is Dyab.

Whenever the Chairman of steel, the secretary of state of iron is to recognize spirit as surely as the Department of coups United States has put together all the upheaval, concussions and other upheavals that have plunged the masses under the debris of everyday violence. But who could advise the President Obama that the war, destabilization, earthquakes and electoral discrimination could be the best foreign policy?

patented destabilizing agent, Stanley Lucas, where he covered a bit forcefully should adviser to Presidents Bush (father and son malentespri) to mention it in their memory in the chapter dealing with racism, discrimination and destabilization of regimes popular in Haiti. More concerned to return the status quo ante by removing the layers of low-lying areas of power, Mrs. Clinton is guilty of the greatest madness of his career as an apostle of fierce imperialist. That time.

Yes, time will count towards those who have a steadfast faith in the irreversible process of the emergence of the masses and this worldwide. Because over time, capitalism blinded by his savagery is exciting spirit to produce venom that will soon destroy them permanently. At the same time, the time factor plays against the imperialist vampire. The insurmountable economic crises that are facing the capitalist powers and in a way particular the United States more than enough to support that assessment here exposed.

The ancestors of these layers excluded defeated the chains of slavery. If Madame would know it was hypothesized that the same combative verve still alive in the veins of their descendants is manifested daily through LAVALAS events. So ladies gentlemen in the service of imperialism gravedigger destabilizing coups, MINUSTAH, cholera, exile, murder, massive and unjustified dismissal, imprisonment, persecution on political and economic dispatch "diplomatic" punitive feeding a climate of insecurity, have not yielded the expected results

The worst punishment and injustice the most revolting can not overcome the verve Lavalas. Between 1991 and 2011, these mercenaries disguised as "diplomats" have so often had bitter experience. If it is not Madam bottom of hell GNB imposed by Bush that the masses came out to elect the President René Préval in 2006, it would have enough arguments to assess their determination! The exclusive owner of Lespwa / init certainly betrayed the ideals of 16 December 1990. Despite winds

imperialist GNBistes tides and disgusting disloyalty Lespwa / init, LAVALAS exists and will exist beyond time, space and ravenous raptors. This is not a new imperialist expedition commissioned by the U.S. Secretary of State who could overcome. Imposing the masses hell GNB only delays the maturity of their emergence through LAVALAS, which will take place despite their apparent opposition.

January 30, 2011, Mrs. Clinton came to the country imposing the results of "first round" of the electoral earthquake of November 30, 2010. Readers, readers, do not be surprised to see March 21, 2011, the trio imperialist Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy and the Queen of England who will come to impose the M of their choice. His Two pa piti yo fè power. This

Mullet, at the height of impertinence has scheduled elections for the reply March 20, 2011. Long before, remember that four advisers have adamantly rebellious refused to validate this diplomatic document required by the lady Clinton by affixing their signature. Gaillot Dorsinvil but why did he not propose to the presidents Barack Obama, Nicolas Sarkozy, Queen Elizabeth, and the shady Mullet to sign en lieu et place des conseillers rebelles?

J. Fatal Piard

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
info @

Saturday, February 26, 2011

How Does A Gmc Yukon 2001 Inside

personalities of the movement against apartheid upon the government of South Africa to support the immediate return of President Aristide to Haiti President Preval

Oakland, California - more personnalités du mouvement international de lutte l'apartheid counter sent an open letter to the President of South Africa Jacob Zuma "in the hope that President Zuma to support" the return of former President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his family in Haiti "as soon as possible. Among the signatories of this letter included the founder of Trans Africa Forum, the Rev. Jesse Jackson, actor and activist Danny Glover, the British parliamentarian John McDonnell, activist and comedian Dick Gregory (who was a figurehead of the movement Anti-Apartheid in Britain), Jack Healy, the founder and director of the Human Rights Action Center (Action for Human Rights), Jack Heyman of International Longshoremen and Warehousemen San Francisco (which has refused to unload ships carrying products of the apartheid regime of South Africa in the 80s) and Selma James, widow of famed writer CLR James, author of One of the most influential books on the Haitian revolution, The Black Jacobins.

The signatories express their "deep gratitude" to the South African government and the people of South Africa for hosting of Aristide. "We support all our heart the government's efforts to help South African President Jean-Bertrand Aristide's early return country, "the letter said, noting that" any delay in the arrival of Aristide to Haiti would be a further disappointment for people who already lived a long series of tragedies, disasters and tears. "________________________________________

Mr. President,

We are writing to express our deep appreciation and gratitude for the generosity and hospitality historic offered by the government of South Africa to President Jean-Bertrand Aristide and his family during past seven years. The decision

South Africa to host Aristide after the coup of 2004 is a fraternal act similar to the multiple acts of international solidarity with the people of South Africa in its long march to freedom. This gesture will remain engraved in the memories of Haiti and the world.

Now, Aristide can return to their country and may end their exile. After so many years, everything seems to indicate that it is finally possible. President Jean-Bertrand Aristide reiterated his desire to return home and help the people of Haiti. He said he was ready to leave at any time and his passport was issued. The remaining obstacles to the return of Aristide were removed. Expectations in Haiti have increased and many people are eager to see him return to his country. The arrival of Aristide raise the morale of the Haitian people just when he needs it most.

We are writing in hopes that you can support Aristide to ensure that the transition takes place as quickly as possible. The situation in Haiti remains extremely worrying and Aristide have expressed their desire to help rebuild the country through initiatives in education and other areas where the needs are of great urgency. Many Haitians have been very inspired by the announcement of the issuance of his passport. Some have even traveled for miles to acclaim at the airport, attracted by rumors of his imminent arrival. Any delay in arrival of Aristide would be a further disappointment for people who already lived a long series of tragedies, disasters and tears.

As longtime advocates of freedom in South Africa and Haiti, we reiterate our appreciation for the role important that South Africa has played in hosting Aristide. We also support our whole heart the government's efforts to help South African President Jean-Bertrand Aristide to return quickly to his country. And we hope to see President Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti very soon.

Please accept, Mr. President, the expression of our respectful greetings.

Danny Glover, Actor / Activist Reverend Jesse Jackson

Randall Robinson, Author
Andaiye, International Coordinator, Red Thread, Guyana
Reverend Dr. Lorenzo Carlisle, Pastor, Oakland, CA
Nesbit Crutchfield, Bay Area Free South Africa Movement
James Early, Board Member, TransAfrica Forum
Byron Rushing, Massachusetts State Representative
Dick Gregory, Social Activist/Comedian
Jack Healey, Founder and Director of Human Rights Action Center
Jack Heyman, International Longshore and Warehouse Union (ILWU), Local 10, San Francisco,CA
Selma James, Global Women’s Strike, UK
John McDonnell, Member of Parliament, UK
Margaret Prescod, Women of Color/Global Women’s Strike
Walter Riley, Co-Chair John George Democratic Club, Haiti Emergency Relief Fund

"Yon sèl nou fèb, ansanm nou fò, ansanm, ansanm nou se Lavalas"
P.O.BOX 2252
Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Taking An Oxycodone Before


an introduction, I would say it can not be any serious government from a pseudo second round planned for March 20, 2011. This process would only create a government even weaker than that of the outgoing president, which would engulf the country.

Ms. Manigat, Mr. Martelly, there is still time for you to advocate the application of Article 149 of the constitution and require the reorganization of inclusive elections throughout the national territory within the time prescribed by the constitution. Do not wait until it's too late to ask what is just and right.

The configuration of power for the next 5 years have never been compromised and thus make Haiti more vulnerable to international maneuvers because the executive would have no popular support to withstand the onslaught of manipulative powers.

The legislature is able to any kind of maneuver to the fact that candidates from the international community recognized the pseudo second round did not have the gall to decry the farce of November 28, 2010 as a whole. There were no elections November 28, 2010, it can thus be a legitimate power after a second round both in the presidency at the legislative level.

This article is addressed to any Haitian serene, untied partisanship and able to analyze the current political situation with a cool head.

go back to the 2006 election or the candidate Preval had clearly won the election and suddenly we have seen, the percentage eroded from 60% to 48.7%. It was then that the terms of the macabre Minustha including the international community and Haiti's wealthy began: the guardianship of Haiti with the passive support of the economic fringe of the population. On February 16, 2006 President Preval was declared winner of the election with 51.15% of the vote after excluding blank votes counted for the discovery.

There is no need to be a political analyst to get to an induction of the Haitian problem concisely and voice of consequence conclude that Haiti is sinking into an abyss deeper than the one created by GNB in 2004.

The aftermath of the masquerade of November 28, 2010, created by our President swindler at a time when he had to show beyond any personal interest to work for the revival of a devastated country, will create more instability in Haiti over the next decade.

teaching the irresponsible behavior of the lady or lord Manigat Martelly the next generation, if not indecision, immorality, recklessness, unconsciousness, failure to comply with lyrics, etc..

Manigat Martelly and were the first to seek the annulment of the election on November 28, 2010. The presidential candidates and legislative as well as the general population responded positively to say no to government plans of Mr. Preval and the international community and supported the request for cancellation of the masquerade of 28 November 2010.

What the other candidates and the public does not expect is that at least 24 hours of the request for cancellation, and Michel Martelly Mirlande Manigat have made a volte-face 360 degrees is unsafe because of course, but offers too good to say no to Minustha, the NOC, the wealthy who have made THAT THEY believe are favorable ballot and therefore should no longer cleave the cancellation request they initially requested.

"If Nou Pa Kenber diyite n, n ap diyite SOVE kite No. Dixit Jean-Bertrand Aristide.

It is time that President Préval and Michel Martelly Mirlande Manigat wake up from this coma or they stubbornly plunged to help save the country with his young bruised his corpses still buried under the rubble, its population living in the stars ... This second round imposed by international and abetted by our politicians only begets mercantile adverse effects on Haiti.

Who will demand accountability from the Minustha for the mourning he has sown throughout the country by the cholera? Who will pay for the consequences of this disease in the years to come? If a government so weak that it is prepared to impose on us is set in Haiti, the international community continue to make us turn around like puppets and the colonial powers continue to call us arrogant "the poorest country of the hemisphere .

The Haitian people, Ms. Manigat, Mr. Martelly and its supporters are well aware that there were no elections last year. It is to wonder why the two candidates who claimed the annulment of these selections are preparing to participate in a second round? If there had been no elections, it can not be a second round.

Repon Peyizan: Is an election platform after unpopular 4 groups of ten departments: Youth of the Republic, CONADEC, OLA and power platfom SOVE nasyon year & ; catid = 18: Elections-2010 & Itemid = 28

NPDR: Founded in 1979 by Leslie Francois Manigat no date has so elected in the two chambers and only serves the interests of Manigat . His followers are numerous and the prowess of that party politics are almost negligible on the Haitian scene.

It is certainly clear why Michelle Martelly and Ms. Manigat are propelled to the head of the masquerade of November 28, 2010: If Madame Michel Martelly Manigat or needs access to the highest office in Haiti it must be by the ballot box not by the maneuvers of the international is any cost to engulf Haiti for reasons known to all.


"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Monday, February 21, 2011

Hair Coloringhow To Use Intensifiers


On 18 February last, the Lavalas in Haiti and the Diaspora took to the streets to demand the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti.

signals were sent to irrefutable evidence that the Haitian people will not let her despised because of the imbroglio created by the international community and he wants the former President Aristide is Haiti on the ground that its interests are adequately defended.

American foreign policy with regard to Haiti has not been clearly defined and Haitians can no longer risk being to thank you for the international community with its questionable strategies that contribute to the worsening situation on the ground.

indices received from the administration show that Obama's policy of interference by the Bush era in the internal affairs of Haiti is still in place despite the verbal commitment of President Obama to respect the sovereign rights friendly nations. It is therefore imperative that we define our future in Haiti despite the difficulties.

Those in attendance at these various events unison chanting:

No Aristide, no peace is our President Aristide

No Aristide, no second round
Aristide must return back
Cheers Aristide Haiti for Aristide

We want Titid
Aristide, the Haitian people would like to welcome Haiti

To understand the love of the Haitian people for their charismatic leader should speak directly to individually they can explain what it meant for them Aristide.

One participant in the march in that Miami has declared: "I like Aristide because a child, having neither father nor mother my life was very difficult. When I saw Titid take care of the poor and children it was as if he also took care of me. He gave hope to the masses who are experiencing a difficult life, there is not enough money on earth to express the value of his contributions to our people and for this I am eternally indebted to him. "

Aristide, a man of charisma and a revered politician:

Under President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, even with an estimated budget-a dismal note that talks about 13 billion bottles compared to 110 billion budget of the government he was able to make the necessary reforms and provide basic services to the impoverished masses.

10 commandments for a more equitable Haiti

1) The return of Mr. Aristide in Haiti: welcome President Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti
2) Respect for the concept: a man / woman, one vote in Haiti and around the world
3) Elimination of elections botched the November 28, 2010
4) Construction Viable for Haiti: a western part, we have 9 other departments where road construction can begin now (at least 5000.00 kms of roads, gutters, connectors, bridges, etc. .. ).
5) Start now to build network to power electric x other 9 departments of Haiti (provide at least 1500.00 MGW)
6) Drinking water for all to reduce the consequences of the impact of imported cholera in Haiti by UN troops (at least 10 water pipes)
7) construction of roads connecting all departments, including local communities.
8) A fixed telephone system to provide adequate service throughout the country (at least 1 million lines)
9) A mechanized agriculture and access to credit now
10) Increased access to education, the minimum construction a university in each department with a capacity of 10,000.00 students at least.

Yes we can and we must make a lasting change in Haiti! We

Obama voted for change, how long should we wait for Haitians see the changes promised by you to achieve Haiti? It is high time Mr. President pledged to spend as the imposition of the dialogue, the strength to speak, from promises to action.

Under your leadership, the UN organized elections in Haiti can, running our citizens tie the knot in their barracks. She distributed to Haitian cholera by contaminating their rivers. It has interfered in our internal affairs and your administration has made no clear and specific guidelines for Haiti?

course, we love you Obama, but now we look forward Haitian that you love us in return.

President Aristide is a Haitian politician who has the courage to raise the level of Haiti poor country to a nation living in poverty but with dignity to reach the stage of developing countries.

Street demonstrations for Aristide's return ended with the famous slogan of Lavalas

Divided we are weak, together we are strong in unity we are even more powerful! (Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, new Ansanm Ansanm is Lavalas!) / 19/us-haiti-aristide-protest-idUSTRE71I06A20110219


"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Saturday, February 19, 2011

Allergic Reaction To Eyebrow Wax


On February 18, 2011, members of Fanmi Lavalas in Haiti and in the Diaspora took to the streets to demand the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide to Haiti.

Clear signals have been sent to demonstrate that the will of the people will not be ignored in the imbroglio created by the International communities. President Aristide has to be on Haitian soil for the interest of the people to be properly defended.

Foreign policies of the United States with regard to Haiti have to clearly been defined and Haitians can no longer be at the mercy of the international communities with dubious strategies which contribute to the worsening of the situation on the ground there.

The signals received from the Obama administration are indicative that the Bush era politics of interference in the internal affairs of Haiti is still in place—even though President Obama pledged to respect the rights of every sovereign nation. It is imperative that WE as Haitians determine our future in spite of difficulties.

The people present in unison chanted:

No Aristide, no peace

Aristide is our President

No Aristide, no second round

Aristide must return

Long live the return of Aristide

Haiti for Aristide

We Want Aristide

Titid, the Haitian People welcome you back to Haiti

To understand the people’s love for the charismatic leader is to speak to people in person so that they can individually explain what Aristide means to them.

One of the participants in Miami stated “I love Aristide because since I was little I did not have a mother and father; I knew how difficult it was for me. When I see Titid taking care of the poor and the children I feel as if he were taking care of me. He gave hope to the masses living in difficult times; there is not enough money on earth to express the value of his contributions to our people. For that, I am eternally indebted to him”.

Aristide, a man of Charisma and a revered Politician:

Under his leadership, even with a dismal budget estimated then at 13 billion gourdes compared to 110 billion budget of the actual government: President Aristide was able to make needed reforms and provide services to the impoverished masses.

10 commandments for a more equitable Haiti

1) The return of Dr. Aristide to Haiti: welcome back president Jean Bertrand Aristide to Haiti

2) Respect of the concept of one man/woman one vote for all in Haiti and around the world

3) Elimination of the botched elections of November 28, 2010

4) Real construction for Haiti: we have 9 other departments where road construction can start right now (at least 5,000.00 miles of roads, gutters, connectors, bridges etc).

5) Start building now electrical grid to supply the other 9 departments in Haiti (at least to supply 1,500.00 MGW

6) Potable water for all to curtail United Nation- imported cholera to Haiti (at least 10 water mains)

7) Road construction connecting all departments including roads to connect local communities

8) Fixed phone line system to supply fixed lines to the country (at least 1 million)

9) Mechanized agriculture, access to credit now

10) More access to education, building at least one university in every department with 10,000-student capacity.

Yes we can and we must see change in Haiti

We voted President Obama for change. How long must Haitians wait to see some change promoted by you extended to Haiti?

Under your leadership, the UN manipulated elections in Haiti, hung Haitians in their barracks, spread cholera to Haitians by contaminating the rivers in Haiti and meddled in our internal affairs. Your administration has not exhibited clear directives for Haiti.

We love you president Obama, but you must love us back.

President Aristide is the only Haitian politician with the mettle necessary to take Haiti from an impoverished nation to a nation living in poverty with dignity and to a developed nation.

The day ended with the famous slogan of Fanmi Lavalas

Divided we fall, together we strong, in unity we are stronger (yon sèl nou fèb, ansanm nou fò ansanm ansanm nou se Lavalas) 2011/02/20110218-162611.html

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Women In Garter Belt And Girdles


February 16, 2011

Dear Compatriots, Lavalas, Supporters and Friends of Democracy,

To externalize our desire to see very soon President Jean-Bertrand Aristide on Haitian soil, we Lavalas overseas in solidarity with Haiti's Lavalas all invite you to a peaceful mass demonstration next Friday, February 18 in front of the Miami Herald office at 1 Herald Plaza, Miami Florida 33132 Biscayne Boulevard between NE 14th

Street When: Friday, February 18, 2011
Or: Miami Herald, 1 Herald Plaza
heure: 12 to 2 PM
Objet: Le Retour de Jean-Bertrand Aristide en Haïti

Pour plus d'Informations, Tony Jeanthenor Contactez au (786) 587-5384

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together , together, together we are Lavalas "

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Energy Drink Survey Questions



Haitian People
Citizen of the four corners of the country,

It is not enough time hath shaken her head bands that are wild suck without a people for more than three hundred years.

It is not enough when we say too much is too much when we put a brake to a minority of zwit generation generation would bluff n word freedom malatchong that France would make us filalang.

Il loud pond and for eternity we establish, in this country where we cut ya navel, a regime based on freedom for all alawonnbadè.

Il false that we delete the fierce spirit of government in France's mind poufè back in slavery, is for Haiti to live free and independent, or we all die.

Freedom or death, independence or death, this is the sacred word that must be sounded in the ears of every Haitian example is a short thunder, like a short lanbi that we collect and sticking to each other.

my fellow Citizens, I gathered our day today, which is made freely, the military those who have the courage, soldiers who do not carry slack for linen, which allowed blood to the cause of freedom and justice, to bury slavery, and to remove us from colonization until the white French.

everything in the country Yan, under the eyes is evil memories are white French. The law and courts, form the state, cities, customs and tradition etc., all carry the mark of white French manufacturer. I do not know Sam would say again.

good!, White French are circulating in the island ya and we believe we are free, we believe Our claws from France, a country malevolent toupizi walking all over the ground fighting for freedom? Indeed, they never fell people stood up for freedom, but we must alert.

Let hymns take prayer, we victims of many beautiful things, beautiful speech on freedom and equality that the French commissioners came to us to let us sleep. Is naive we would be naive if we get kaka to chicken eggs.

is this for fourteen years we took our weapons to fight, to war until we say France: but manmanw cross, but cross papaw.

Since that time the owl was well and freezer to France would make our present freedom.

Grape not know much about bayawonn pumpkin, not fruit squash. And these are not like us, and we do not like them either.

color of their skin, look how far, how much water passes, how many branches ocean that separates us and them.

While these people are preaching that all men, freedom, equality, fraternity, not, too criminal, too Sadik, too wild to believe in such matters.

same yes they are written on stamp paper that "the wood is wood, but can not Mapou cashews" What if one day not harm these people would ladesann home They will return zèspri bad, bad soul to our troubled minds.

Haitian native son leaves Haiti, women like men, young people like adults, short deep eyes in all the islands to see ya, women without husbands, where husbands, wives without blowing , where the wife, where our children, diet awousa sousoupann in food.

What they became? What they do with them? I will respond, I am afraid not fremi do I, do I not tremble indignation below.

When we open our eyes see instead are victims we see who file complaints is bouro, the criminal you see walking down our eyes, like the tiger is seeking blood to drink.

not flick them! Blamed themselves accept living with impunity soutirans. What therefore what we are waiting for our minds to rest the victims?

Do not forget we were sworn to bury us in the same tonb and our fathers! But it's only one condition to be: "When we arrived hath shaken her head every tyrant, the slave settlers.

If we do not accept the cemetery looking bodies when we die.

What we, male warriors, General Marshal krenn without danger, we have sacrificed our personal interest, which is sure to harm and pain to our personal freedom and salvation for all without a nation; know that if we draw an example of incorrect, If we do not give evil without mercy these lessons from a good book justice and corrections, is konm if we wash our hands, we wipe it down.

and to breed large eyes of all who would dare remove these freedoms from us. Let us proud, let us jealous because we are free.

They will tremble in their pants, they yawn the smoke from their mouths when the days would dare Pile Haiti.

The resolution we have to get enacted will be cursed with death for any white French who would have thought grinding Haiti that is cradle of liberty, graves slavery.

We dare become free, we free indeed, and we are free, we free it.

Freedom is like a man who learned to walk less, the PaRappa it grow until it became large .

What people left to help us fight? Then the people also can enjoy the fruits of our work. A father's ridicule of, that people had fought free chicken, and chicken would let them back in slavery?

Not this room. Let us walk in the path of other people who preferences would disappear on Earth, instead they would delete their names from the list people are fighting, instead they should register their names on the list people loose them.

As word slave away for white French, but you guys Haiti Thomas, son of Africa, Guinea, we are free, and we are completely free.

careful not eliminate the good work in this send up with vanity, peace and tranquility for all other people, to our neighbors, let them live in peace under the banner of the law. ;

We will act, nor matador sipèb or fleeing to other peoples. Ayibobo for us, the Haitian people because we do not intend to lay people in slavery, nor under our domination.

peace and tranquility to our neighbors, but Curse France, vitam etènam hatred for all white French .

Haitian native, I Dessalines is sentinel, guardian of our freedom, I sacrifice myself for that.

Sometimes I stay single, without wife, without children, do I watch above such enemies us. is with joy that I sacrifice this, today is our job to not choke wicked liberty.

Haitian people rose by us is early Pam. In the meantime we put all things under the hat law, we may count on me and generals who akotem here

All general, all officers, all veterans who meet the kotem, in working together for early country must remain free and independent to ever have time.

if any of you who have a heart but, that is shaking, he pulled chicken cervix not repeat this oath:

We swore 777 times before the entire world, for our children, for us and our families, we never waive the country's flour, and we prefer to die quicker return to France on domination, we swear to fight for the independence of it until ten pile fell on our chest.

E O sovereign, the unfortunate who are suffering, from hearing swear that from repeated here, do not forget that it is the courage that I counted. It is justified the courage you, thanks to the firm belief that we launched in the fight for 14 years to combat the slavery regime.

Remember that I sacrifice all my personal interests do I fight for freedom and independence, I sacrificed good, I sacrificed wife and son, I sacrifice pleasure for this country become free today.

What if the enemy of freedom and slavery friends heard him only, the jerking will take them. But quite often I am 7 Dessalines says, if one day we would betray the cause of freedom and independence, we would spend under the law I had to take our own happiness, I will consider us as a people engra.

but I do not think we do, pitom not think so. O na contrary to our struggle, rather we die we return to slavery, a curse for milking, and curse all engra!
Freedom or death, freedom or death

Plas military Gonaives January 1804, 1 year of Independence, John James, General Dessalines of Haiti's army

"One of our weaknesses , together we must, together, together we are Lavalas "

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long Does Radiculopathy Last?


Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide , President en exil

The devastating earthquake that has raged in Haiti in January of last year destroyed up to 5,000 schools and 80% of university infrastructure of already fragile country. Primary School Port-au-Prince where I waited as a small boy collapsed with more than 200 students inside. 150 future nurses have perished under the weight of school nurses.

School of Medicine was leveled. The exact number of students, teachers, professors, librarians, researchers, academics and administrators lost during those 65 seconds that have irrevocably changed Haiti will never be known.
But we also know that it can not be the end .

exceptional resilience demonstrated by the Haitian people during and after the deadly earthquake reflects the intelligence and determination of parents, especially mothers, to keep children alive and ensure a better future, and the eagerness of youth to learn - all this despite economic challenges, obstacles social, political crises, and psychological trauma.
Even when their basic need has grown exponentially, their willingness to learn is evident. The natural need for education is the foundation of success in the learning process: what is learned willingly learned better. course, learning is strengthened and solidified when it occurs in a safe, secure and normal. Hence our responsibility to promote social cohesion, democratic growth, sustainable development, self-determination, in short, the goals for this new millennium. Anything represents steps towards a return to a better environment.

Education has been a priority since the first Lavalas government - which I chaired - would sworn in exercising its functions under the democratic constitution of Haiti's February 7, 1991 as amended (and overturned a few months later). More schools were built during the 10 years between 1994, when democracy was restored, and 2004 - when democracy in Haiti has been raped again - that during the period 1804 to 1994: 195 new primary schools and 104 new public high schools were built and / or refurbished.

The earthquake of January 12 was largely spared the Aristide Foundation for Democracy which I founded in 1996. Immediately after the earthquake, thousands of citizens used to find the foundation for a democratic space to meet, discuss and receive services of all kinds, went there for shelter and get help. The Haitian doctors who received their training at the Medical School Foundation rallied to hold clinics at local Foundation and in tent camps in the capital. They continue to date to contribute tirelessly to the treatment of their fellow Haitians infected by cholera. Their presence is the guarantee of one day reversing the ratio of one doctor per 11,000 Haitians.

Young, who over the years have participated in many literacy programs of the Foundation, volunteered to run makeshift schools in the camps housed in tents. In partnership with a group of volunteers from the University of Michigan United States, counseling trauma were organized by students trained to help themselves and help their fellow Haitians together undertake the long journey toward healing. A year later, young people and students are still waiting for the academic foundation resumes its educational mission to help fill the void existing national and deepened the day the earth shook in Haiti.

Is destabilizing the worsening political crisis in Haiti will continue to impede the academic success of our students? I guess most students, educators and parents are exhausted by the complexity a dramatic and painful crisis. But I am certain that nothing can ease their particular thirst for learning.

The famous American poet and essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson , wrote that "we learned geology in the morning that followed the earthquake". In fact this we learned during this long year of mourning after the earthquake of Haiti is a reconstruction plan exogenous - focused on profit, excluding, designed and implemented by foreigners - will not rebuild Haiti. It is the only obligation of the Haitian community to undertake the reconstruction and have their word say in the direction to be taken by their nation.
I have not been saying since February 29, 2004, during my years of exile in Central Africa, Jamaica and now since the South Africa, I will return to Haiti to practice what I love and know best: education. We can only d'accord avec Les Mots du Grand Nelson Mandela , defined qui l'Education comme une arme puissante qui peut changer le MONDE.

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
info @ fanmilavalas. NET

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gloryhole Locations Pa


By J. Fatal Piard

ages ago, the terrorist threat is a serious concern for the entire planet earth. In 2011 Germany's population still remembers the hell she has lived at the time of the cursed Nazis. In Haiti, families of martyrs of Duvalier and the survivors of this hell Duvalierist are terrified by the mere fact of remembering. Closer to home, the wound left by GNB hell is still fresh and stinking.
The terrorist threat is taken seriously, so much so that it is an integral part of all government programs that prioritize the safety of their taxpayers. Cons in Haiti, thanks to Cash for Vote this election, through the international experts for the OAS we impose another form of state terrorism in this case the spectrum GNB.

GNB, and called this new form of terrorism which is the pooling of tips from local and international mafia gang to destroy the cynical masses. According to the dictates of the OAS which had said a word when the henchmen of Gerard Latortue massacring popular movement activists following the kidnapping of President Jean Bertrand Aristide, these elections are the panacea to eradicate the cancer of poverty. According to the delirious

these purposes international experts count the minutes and newsletters, the second episode of this tragicomedy should be between the candidate and the NPDR Peasant Response. Menm tenyen yo! That this Mrs. Mirlande Manigat, Michele and his party Martelly ghost sewn from scratch, or other fierce defender of the system, the threat GNB weighs all his weight on the basic demands of the masses in this case access health care, education, decent housing, food and recreation.

In a statement on a radio station in the capital, Mr Max Mathurin made relevant disclosures. "In general, the election results are still handled by the nebulous international untouchable." For fear of being off his visa which would prevent him from making his triumphal entry into the Promised Land, the former chairman of the Provisional Electoral Council has not had enough nerve to reveal the identity of those nebulous yet known for ordinary mortals. By reflex

stubborn coward added to an incurable stinginess, Mr. Mathurin deliberately chose to procrastinate instead of informing the public about an important subject in this situation. However, this electoral catastrophe as held November 28, 2010 should not surprise anyone. Those of April and May 2009 was no different. The only difference is reflected in the issues. All

Haitian who wants honest will agree with us that our country does not have a problem of "elections". Elections since 1957 are the most convenient excuse for the international press the inaccessible country on the edge of chaos. Our country drastically depleted by colonization and multinationals, taken hostage by this oligarchy of mafias and smugglers of all kinds is faced with deeper crises.

Seizures in question are only indications that the marginalized are facing dramatic socio-economic realities. The international rather than help us forcing us to swallow an occupation that costs them $ 800 million a year. This occupation is embellished with a pandemic of cholera that has claimed more than five thousand victims at least officially. To conceal their inability to us drawn from the quagmire of underdevelopment, the international benchmark is a privileged cynical, sadistic and hardened, makes these "elections" Bouyi Empty.

elections or events deceptions

Come now the time for debate on the thousands of cases of fraud, imperfections, irregularities, abuse of power, injustice, violence etc.. recorded during this abominable spectacle organized Nov. 28, 2010 just to prove to the international fray bad faith of hypocrisy. He was naive for elections free, fair and democratic. For sensible people by cons it was only a test of deception in very bad taste.

We repeat loudly as presented internationally for ages is that a basket of vipers determined to cause the ruin of this country of rebellious Negroes who have sounded the death knell of slavery. This farce has been poorly planned voluntarily organized just to satisfy the fantasies of unseemly international feel so comfortable wallowing in his own defecation.

Despite the warning of forces nation, the International has funded these irregularities to the tune of $ 29 million. How many denunciations, how many protests had been issued by the grassroots organizations of Lavalas to avoid the country's electoral earthquake this November 28, 2010. How many sit-in, how many events had not organized the forces of the nation to deter the powers of giving lessons on democracy able to not fund this tragedy.

As might be expected, frauds and irregularities were so numerous that a country that has not yet identified the horror of the earthquake of January 12, had to pay for the services of "experts" come to the international accounting. And that is exactly the result of the consultation of experts in accounting electoral poses to the masses the spectrum GNB, unhappily for the country. Already

surveys designed to prepare public opinion that believes in fundamental change to swallow the pill without flinching through spiteful of GNB Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly eels and other international service of sharks. Both are obsessed with white caps and white caps, both committed to deliver the country in pasture abroad.

electoral earthquake of 28 November

The April elections in May 2009 are no different from those of 28 November 2010 in terms of organization, irregularities, exclusion, chicanery, and other imperfections maturely planned . If there is a small difference, it is only at the issues because he was also a question of presidential and MP. As we have said Haiti is facing a severe economic crisis that the international crisis translates into a political election.

Results This farce of emetic November 28, 2010 resulted in another tragedy as horrible as this pandemic of cholera is a courtesy of the UN. Mèsi dad Loni power pitit Kolera or ban or new year.

recall in history that the OAS was one of the main architects of this chaos that the country now knows. Following the 2000 elections, a mercenary named Orlando Regional Marvil, vakabon of its kind, laid the first stone of what would serve as a launching pad the mess made in imperialist. This upheaval

orchestrated by France, the United States and Canada would lead to the kidnapping of President Aristide cursed night of 29 February 2004. Michel Martelly, like any leader underdeveloped unconditional supporter of chaos, GNB ADDITION, made a triumphal entry into the political arena.

Accustomed to deliver spectacular nonsense Miki took the stuffing of 28 November 2010 to materialize his perception of the seizure of power. Within minutes the candidate's supporters Response Farmer put their expertise to work by reducing the city of Les Cayes to ashes. So we passed the international for a nation of negro unable to move. As

City stronghold of Petion-Ville "leader" of tèt kale, she was besieged squarely "tèt Kalemani" longer than three days sharpened by hordes of monsters with heads burned handled by these petty bourgeois power hungry and also " billion promised by the international part of the "reconstruction". But nobody noticed that none of the obvious candidates Response Farmer has won the election handily.

The senatorial candidate for the department of Western Response Farmer has made only a few votes. The candidate the position of member of Petion-Ville Response Farmer in the stronghold of the man who claims to have won the elections reflected the votes. With these data easily verifiable, there is no need to identify what end analyst eel turmoil that lies beneath the rock of these destabilizing elections.

If the country has descended lower than the same meanness, we must give credit to President Rene Garcia Preval. He is so obsessed by the desire to end definitively with Lavalas to implement the plan hatched by the macabre xenophobic Canada, the United States segregationist and colonialist France. Now the country runs the high risk of sliding back into full GNB hell with the specter of a second round between the 4 M: Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly and lots of Curses insurmountable.

What curse what punishment, what punishment regardless damnation, what punishment for those struggling body and soul to know our beloved Haiti draws better tomorrow. What an affront to the memory of the thousands of martyrs whose blood a bright red still haunt the streets of the struggle for the progress of their country. Despite the fact that President Préval has shrunk from no action to exclude Lavalas from the electoral race, and punish severely the pride of progressive activists in the driving function and public enterprises, that today reward by the guardians shots gearbox in the ass.

Already the leader of the occupants some Edmond Mulet combined with this ultra-reactionary oligarchy, brandished the threat of penalties worse if the power would be handed over to GNB February 7 at the latest. At the height of hypocrisy, this mule as brash as a settler colony, refuses to admit that the Humanitarian Aid of Cholera is a courtesy of MINUSTAH. Simple matter of lack of courage as any diplomat who wants to remain equal to itself that is to say cowardly, hypocritical, without personality, sassy and frekan kou chen over the market.

renew them No trip Hilary Clinton

After endless hikes that have not given as a result, if not a few mouthfuls of rum 5 stars on a background of fresh meat to the delight of his romantic nights, Mr. Clinton is for his wife. For what purpose? Surely continue to ridicule and mocking us all a population beset by the worst vicissitudes resulting from the disaster of January 12, 2010. Mrs Hilary Clinton chooses deliberately to insult an entire people by using the weapon of the cancellation of entry visas to the United States against a current member of the Government in this case economist Gerald Germain, Minister of Social Affairs and work. Mrs Hilary Clinton

delegate to Haiti to summon orders to President Préval, forcing him to withdraw Jude Celestin race "election" would have most to gain from staying in sounds to help his own country to rebuild their President health policy. On the other hand it has come to impose on the country one of the M (curses GNB), Michel Martelly or Mirlande Manigat, puppets manipulated easily.

Maybe she has realized that its leader is to attract spirited dislike of the whole American nation and the nations it has formally ordered his soldiers to destroy the bombs in Nepal? The United States is more concerned to bring back Jean Claude Duvalier and his wife in Haiti for one hand insult the memory of hundreds of thousands of martyrs of barbarism Duvalierist and then make us forget the devastation caused by cholera imposed by Minustha.

Meanwhile the spokesman for the department State prohibits the former President Jean Bertrand Aristide to return to his own country. This new situation makes us reach this deduction that President Obama can just as promised in his campaign slogan. That is to say he is determined to continue the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan despite the fact that he had formally promised the end of the war. Obama himself a victim of racism of his white compatriots has managed to shed his xenophobic chromosomes advanced.

President Obama has agreed to fund these "elections" where Madougou CEP Gaillot Dorsinvil unfairly excluded Lavalas and other parties. Mrs. Clinton landed with his rigwaz of Commander in his left hand and slapped his right hand in threatening President Preval of the worst punishment if he is able to convince the Engineer Jude Celestin, the candidate of no party Init withdraw.

The iron lady of the United States may not be aware of this outrageous injustice done to Lavalas, the party's most popular countries.

By simple deduction if the Iron Lady, Mrs Hillary Clinton on behalf of his Man of Steel President Barack Obama in pursuit of racism and discrimination feels the slightest embarrassment to threaten an embargo to force Linite to the unconditional withdrawal of Mr. Jude Celestin is that he has not lost the election as GNB want to believe the ingenuous.

The United States in their exercise of discrimination, consider that the January 12 earthquake has not caused enough damage. Then they use the replicates of this outrageous farce of 28 November 2010. Hence the comments of the spokesman for the State Department, the United States have shown themselves willing to invest all available resources to keep President Aristide in exile. Ala kote moun yo Rasis his dad! Tekwe Obama yon the nwa tou ye? Li gen tan do li konprann is white?

Yet this country who wants to impersonate the world's largest exporter of "democracy" and respect "human rights", we resumed shipments of its hazardous justice system in disrepair programmed to destroy human lives. The extreme poverty faced by layers of lowlands that is fallen from the fruitful international cooperation and the United States in particular.

In war as in war

GNB with the spectrum which is the negation of the Change, Development and Progress for the benefit of victims of marginalization strata to the death, the noble ideals of December 16 are far from materializing. It is not without reason that the more international people want to impose two of these 4quatre M or Mirlande Manigat or Michel Martelly. With the specter GNB, which is a directory inexhaustible mafias of all kinds, the noble aspirations of the masses are drastically mortgaged.

The apprehension of being grafted to remove a visa to France, the United States or Canada does necessarily mean that the militants consistent will give up. Quite the contrary, it's time more than ever to tell the war as in war. We know there is still millions of compatriots who are brave enough to say a resounding SHIT representatives of the empire. They have enough to do without a mockery while delighting our excruciating pain while actively working to ruin our country through their political destabilization.

We are strongly convinced that it is still millions of countrymen who still have their verticality to tell vampires Both capitalists and SHIT, Gone, Gone. As far as the subhuman conditions of life excluded strata must change. In a logic where the whims of "experts" of the OAS are prioritized on the laws of the Republic, why not do without the services of the PRC is so expensive that the poor taxpayer.

Insofar Haiti must at all costs to hold elections to show the international law it has to "democracy", instead of the POC why not have an International Committee of Experts of Counts Minutes (CIEDEP). The issue of elections would be resolved once and for all. So thanks to the elections scheduled Haiti is now on toward change. While NGOs and GNB would further place.

Before this approach suicidal for the future of Haiti can happen to materialize, the threat GNB pulls its weight on the masses. The interim solution would be the cancellation of this farce and holding a national conference leading to a social project of 25 years. But obsessed with power and glory of the caliber of Michel Martelly and Mirlande Manigat two representatives GNB will they return to such logic?

The result of this election imbroglio will prove us right or wrong. Gaillot Dorsinvil, buried in its stubborn and undoubtedly haunted by the fear of being allowed to remove his foot on U.S. soil, did not realize it clearly has released its schedule before the second round of voting which connect to potential candidates is still in the race. Worse yet none of his "advisors" foolish nor does its director GNB went to the evidence that they are ridiculous to the superlative. Ridiculous or not, they just need to please Edmond Mulet and also to the empire.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954