Tuesday, February 8, 2011

How Long Does Radiculopathy Last?


Dr. Jean-Bertrand Aristide , President en exil

The devastating earthquake that has raged in Haiti in January of last year destroyed up to 5,000 schools and 80% of university infrastructure of already fragile country. Primary School Port-au-Prince where I waited as a small boy collapsed with more than 200 students inside. 150 future nurses have perished under the weight of school nurses.

School of Medicine was leveled. The exact number of students, teachers, professors, librarians, researchers, academics and administrators lost during those 65 seconds that have irrevocably changed Haiti will never be known.
But we also know that it can not be the end .

exceptional resilience demonstrated by the Haitian people during and after the deadly earthquake reflects the intelligence and determination of parents, especially mothers, to keep children alive and ensure a better future, and the eagerness of youth to learn - all this despite economic challenges, obstacles social, political crises, and psychological trauma.
Even when their basic need has grown exponentially, their willingness to learn is evident. The natural need for education is the foundation of success in the learning process: what is learned willingly learned better. course, learning is strengthened and solidified when it occurs in a safe, secure and normal. Hence our responsibility to promote social cohesion, democratic growth, sustainable development, self-determination, in short, the goals for this new millennium. Anything represents steps towards a return to a better environment.

Education has been a priority since the first Lavalas government - which I chaired - would sworn in exercising its functions under the democratic constitution of Haiti's February 7, 1991 as amended (and overturned a few months later). More schools were built during the 10 years between 1994, when democracy was restored, and 2004 - when democracy in Haiti has been raped again - that during the period 1804 to 1994: 195 new primary schools and 104 new public high schools were built and / or refurbished.

The earthquake of January 12 was largely spared the Aristide Foundation for Democracy which I founded in 1996. Immediately after the earthquake, thousands of citizens used to find the foundation for a democratic space to meet, discuss and receive services of all kinds, went there for shelter and get help. The Haitian doctors who received their training at the Medical School Foundation rallied to hold clinics at local Foundation and in tent camps in the capital. They continue to date to contribute tirelessly to the treatment of their fellow Haitians infected by cholera. Their presence is the guarantee of one day reversing the ratio of one doctor per 11,000 Haitians.

Young, who over the years have participated in many literacy programs of the Foundation, volunteered to run makeshift schools in the camps housed in tents. In partnership with a group of volunteers from the University of Michigan United States, counseling trauma were organized by students trained to help themselves and help their fellow Haitians together undertake the long journey toward healing. A year later, young people and students are still waiting for the academic foundation resumes its educational mission to help fill the void existing national and deepened the day the earth shook in Haiti.

Is destabilizing the worsening political crisis in Haiti will continue to impede the academic success of our students? I guess most students, educators and parents are exhausted by the complexity a dramatic and painful crisis. But I am certain that nothing can ease their particular thirst for learning.

The famous American poet and essayist, Ralph Waldo Emerson , wrote that "we learned geology in the morning that followed the earthquake". In fact this we learned during this long year of mourning after the earthquake of Haiti is a reconstruction plan exogenous - focused on profit, excluding, designed and implemented by foreigners - will not rebuild Haiti. It is the only obligation of the Haitian community to undertake the reconstruction and have their word say in the direction to be taken by their nation.
I have not been saying since February 29, 2004, during my years of exile in Central Africa, Jamaica and now since the South Africa, I will return to Haiti to practice what I love and know best: education. We can only d'accord avec Les Mots du Grand Nelson Mandela , defined qui l'Education comme une arme puissante qui peut changer le MONDE.

"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954
info @ fanmilavalas. NET


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