Thursday, February 3, 2011

Gloryhole Locations Pa


By J. Fatal Piard

ages ago, the terrorist threat is a serious concern for the entire planet earth. In 2011 Germany's population still remembers the hell she has lived at the time of the cursed Nazis. In Haiti, families of martyrs of Duvalier and the survivors of this hell Duvalierist are terrified by the mere fact of remembering. Closer to home, the wound left by GNB hell is still fresh and stinking.
The terrorist threat is taken seriously, so much so that it is an integral part of all government programs that prioritize the safety of their taxpayers. Cons in Haiti, thanks to Cash for Vote this election, through the international experts for the OAS we impose another form of state terrorism in this case the spectrum GNB.

GNB, and called this new form of terrorism which is the pooling of tips from local and international mafia gang to destroy the cynical masses. According to the dictates of the OAS which had said a word when the henchmen of Gerard Latortue massacring popular movement activists following the kidnapping of President Jean Bertrand Aristide, these elections are the panacea to eradicate the cancer of poverty. According to the delirious

these purposes international experts count the minutes and newsletters, the second episode of this tragicomedy should be between the candidate and the NPDR Peasant Response. Menm tenyen yo! That this Mrs. Mirlande Manigat, Michele and his party Martelly ghost sewn from scratch, or other fierce defender of the system, the threat GNB weighs all his weight on the basic demands of the masses in this case access health care, education, decent housing, food and recreation.

In a statement on a radio station in the capital, Mr Max Mathurin made relevant disclosures. "In general, the election results are still handled by the nebulous international untouchable." For fear of being off his visa which would prevent him from making his triumphal entry into the Promised Land, the former chairman of the Provisional Electoral Council has not had enough nerve to reveal the identity of those nebulous yet known for ordinary mortals. By reflex

stubborn coward added to an incurable stinginess, Mr. Mathurin deliberately chose to procrastinate instead of informing the public about an important subject in this situation. However, this electoral catastrophe as held November 28, 2010 should not surprise anyone. Those of April and May 2009 was no different. The only difference is reflected in the issues. All

Haitian who wants honest will agree with us that our country does not have a problem of "elections". Elections since 1957 are the most convenient excuse for the international press the inaccessible country on the edge of chaos. Our country drastically depleted by colonization and multinationals, taken hostage by this oligarchy of mafias and smugglers of all kinds is faced with deeper crises.

Seizures in question are only indications that the marginalized are facing dramatic socio-economic realities. The international rather than help us forcing us to swallow an occupation that costs them $ 800 million a year. This occupation is embellished with a pandemic of cholera that has claimed more than five thousand victims at least officially. To conceal their inability to us drawn from the quagmire of underdevelopment, the international benchmark is a privileged cynical, sadistic and hardened, makes these "elections" Bouyi Empty.

elections or events deceptions

Come now the time for debate on the thousands of cases of fraud, imperfections, irregularities, abuse of power, injustice, violence etc.. recorded during this abominable spectacle organized Nov. 28, 2010 just to prove to the international fray bad faith of hypocrisy. He was naive for elections free, fair and democratic. For sensible people by cons it was only a test of deception in very bad taste.

We repeat loudly as presented internationally for ages is that a basket of vipers determined to cause the ruin of this country of rebellious Negroes who have sounded the death knell of slavery. This farce has been poorly planned voluntarily organized just to satisfy the fantasies of unseemly international feel so comfortable wallowing in his own defecation.

Despite the warning of forces nation, the International has funded these irregularities to the tune of $ 29 million. How many denunciations, how many protests had been issued by the grassroots organizations of Lavalas to avoid the country's electoral earthquake this November 28, 2010. How many sit-in, how many events had not organized the forces of the nation to deter the powers of giving lessons on democracy able to not fund this tragedy.

As might be expected, frauds and irregularities were so numerous that a country that has not yet identified the horror of the earthquake of January 12, had to pay for the services of "experts" come to the international accounting. And that is exactly the result of the consultation of experts in accounting electoral poses to the masses the spectrum GNB, unhappily for the country. Already

surveys designed to prepare public opinion that believes in fundamental change to swallow the pill without flinching through spiteful of GNB Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly eels and other international service of sharks. Both are obsessed with white caps and white caps, both committed to deliver the country in pasture abroad.

electoral earthquake of 28 November

The April elections in May 2009 are no different from those of 28 November 2010 in terms of organization, irregularities, exclusion, chicanery, and other imperfections maturely planned . If there is a small difference, it is only at the issues because he was also a question of presidential and MP. As we have said Haiti is facing a severe economic crisis that the international crisis translates into a political election.

Results This farce of emetic November 28, 2010 resulted in another tragedy as horrible as this pandemic of cholera is a courtesy of the UN. Mèsi dad Loni power pitit Kolera or ban or new year.

recall in history that the OAS was one of the main architects of this chaos that the country now knows. Following the 2000 elections, a mercenary named Orlando Regional Marvil, vakabon of its kind, laid the first stone of what would serve as a launching pad the mess made in imperialist. This upheaval

orchestrated by France, the United States and Canada would lead to the kidnapping of President Aristide cursed night of 29 February 2004. Michel Martelly, like any leader underdeveloped unconditional supporter of chaos, GNB ADDITION, made a triumphal entry into the political arena.

Accustomed to deliver spectacular nonsense Miki took the stuffing of 28 November 2010 to materialize his perception of the seizure of power. Within minutes the candidate's supporters Response Farmer put their expertise to work by reducing the city of Les Cayes to ashes. So we passed the international for a nation of negro unable to move. As

City stronghold of Petion-Ville "leader" of tèt kale, she was besieged squarely "tèt Kalemani" longer than three days sharpened by hordes of monsters with heads burned handled by these petty bourgeois power hungry and also " billion promised by the international part of the "reconstruction". But nobody noticed that none of the obvious candidates Response Farmer has won the election handily.

The senatorial candidate for the department of Western Response Farmer has made only a few votes. The candidate the position of member of Petion-Ville Response Farmer in the stronghold of the man who claims to have won the elections reflected the votes. With these data easily verifiable, there is no need to identify what end analyst eel turmoil that lies beneath the rock of these destabilizing elections.

If the country has descended lower than the same meanness, we must give credit to President Rene Garcia Preval. He is so obsessed by the desire to end definitively with Lavalas to implement the plan hatched by the macabre xenophobic Canada, the United States segregationist and colonialist France. Now the country runs the high risk of sliding back into full GNB hell with the specter of a second round between the 4 M: Mirlande Manigat and Michel Martelly and lots of Curses insurmountable.

What curse what punishment, what punishment regardless damnation, what punishment for those struggling body and soul to know our beloved Haiti draws better tomorrow. What an affront to the memory of the thousands of martyrs whose blood a bright red still haunt the streets of the struggle for the progress of their country. Despite the fact that President Préval has shrunk from no action to exclude Lavalas from the electoral race, and punish severely the pride of progressive activists in the driving function and public enterprises, that today reward by the guardians shots gearbox in the ass.

Already the leader of the occupants some Edmond Mulet combined with this ultra-reactionary oligarchy, brandished the threat of penalties worse if the power would be handed over to GNB February 7 at the latest. At the height of hypocrisy, this mule as brash as a settler colony, refuses to admit that the Humanitarian Aid of Cholera is a courtesy of MINUSTAH. Simple matter of lack of courage as any diplomat who wants to remain equal to itself that is to say cowardly, hypocritical, without personality, sassy and frekan kou chen over the market.

renew them No trip Hilary Clinton

After endless hikes that have not given as a result, if not a few mouthfuls of rum 5 stars on a background of fresh meat to the delight of his romantic nights, Mr. Clinton is for his wife. For what purpose? Surely continue to ridicule and mocking us all a population beset by the worst vicissitudes resulting from the disaster of January 12, 2010. Mrs Hilary Clinton chooses deliberately to insult an entire people by using the weapon of the cancellation of entry visas to the United States against a current member of the Government in this case economist Gerald Germain, Minister of Social Affairs and work. Mrs Hilary Clinton

delegate to Haiti to summon orders to President Préval, forcing him to withdraw Jude Celestin race "election" would have most to gain from staying in sounds to help his own country to rebuild their President health policy. On the other hand it has come to impose on the country one of the M (curses GNB), Michel Martelly or Mirlande Manigat, puppets manipulated easily.

Maybe she has realized that its leader is to attract spirited dislike of the whole American nation and the nations it has formally ordered his soldiers to destroy the bombs in Nepal? The United States is more concerned to bring back Jean Claude Duvalier and his wife in Haiti for one hand insult the memory of hundreds of thousands of martyrs of barbarism Duvalierist and then make us forget the devastation caused by cholera imposed by Minustha.

Meanwhile the spokesman for the department State prohibits the former President Jean Bertrand Aristide to return to his own country. This new situation makes us reach this deduction that President Obama can just as promised in his campaign slogan. That is to say he is determined to continue the destruction of Iraq and Afghanistan despite the fact that he had formally promised the end of the war. Obama himself a victim of racism of his white compatriots has managed to shed his xenophobic chromosomes advanced.

President Obama has agreed to fund these "elections" where Madougou CEP Gaillot Dorsinvil unfairly excluded Lavalas and other parties. Mrs. Clinton landed with his rigwaz of Commander in his left hand and slapped his right hand in threatening President Preval of the worst punishment if he is able to convince the Engineer Jude Celestin, the candidate of no party Init withdraw.

The iron lady of the United States may not be aware of this outrageous injustice done to Lavalas, the party's most popular countries.

By simple deduction if the Iron Lady, Mrs Hillary Clinton on behalf of his Man of Steel President Barack Obama in pursuit of racism and discrimination feels the slightest embarrassment to threaten an embargo to force Linite to the unconditional withdrawal of Mr. Jude Celestin is that he has not lost the election as GNB want to believe the ingenuous.

The United States in their exercise of discrimination, consider that the January 12 earthquake has not caused enough damage. Then they use the replicates of this outrageous farce of 28 November 2010. Hence the comments of the spokesman for the State Department, the United States have shown themselves willing to invest all available resources to keep President Aristide in exile. Ala kote moun yo Rasis his dad! Tekwe Obama yon the nwa tou ye? Li gen tan do li konprann is white?

Yet this country who wants to impersonate the world's largest exporter of "democracy" and respect "human rights", we resumed shipments of its hazardous justice system in disrepair programmed to destroy human lives. The extreme poverty faced by layers of lowlands that is fallen from the fruitful international cooperation and the United States in particular.

In war as in war

GNB with the spectrum which is the negation of the Change, Development and Progress for the benefit of victims of marginalization strata to the death, the noble ideals of December 16 are far from materializing. It is not without reason that the more international people want to impose two of these 4quatre M or Mirlande Manigat or Michel Martelly. With the specter GNB, which is a directory inexhaustible mafias of all kinds, the noble aspirations of the masses are drastically mortgaged.

The apprehension of being grafted to remove a visa to France, the United States or Canada does necessarily mean that the militants consistent will give up. Quite the contrary, it's time more than ever to tell the war as in war. We know there is still millions of compatriots who are brave enough to say a resounding SHIT representatives of the empire. They have enough to do without a mockery while delighting our excruciating pain while actively working to ruin our country through their political destabilization.

We are strongly convinced that it is still millions of countrymen who still have their verticality to tell vampires Both capitalists and SHIT, Gone, Gone. As far as the subhuman conditions of life excluded strata must change. In a logic where the whims of "experts" of the OAS are prioritized on the laws of the Republic, why not do without the services of the PRC is so expensive that the poor taxpayer.

Insofar Haiti must at all costs to hold elections to show the international law it has to "democracy", instead of the POC why not have an International Committee of Experts of Counts Minutes (CIEDEP). The issue of elections would be resolved once and for all. So thanks to the elections scheduled Haiti is now on toward change. While NGOs and GNB would further place.

Before this approach suicidal for the future of Haiti can happen to materialize, the threat GNB pulls its weight on the masses. The interim solution would be the cancellation of this farce and holding a national conference leading to a social project of 25 years. But obsessed with power and glory of the caliber of Michel Martelly and Mirlande Manigat two representatives GNB will they return to such logic?

The result of this election imbroglio will prove us right or wrong. Gaillot Dorsinvil, buried in its stubborn and undoubtedly haunted by the fear of being allowed to remove his foot on U.S. soil, did not realize it clearly has released its schedule before the second round of voting which connect to potential candidates is still in the race. Worse yet none of his "advisors" foolish nor does its director GNB went to the evidence that they are ridiculous to the superlative. Ridiculous or not, they just need to please Edmond Mulet and also to the empire.

"Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, Ansanm, Ansanm new to Lavalas

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


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