Monday, February 21, 2011

Hair Coloringhow To Use Intensifiers


On 18 February last, the Lavalas in Haiti and the Diaspora took to the streets to demand the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti.

signals were sent to irrefutable evidence that the Haitian people will not let her despised because of the imbroglio created by the international community and he wants the former President Aristide is Haiti on the ground that its interests are adequately defended.

American foreign policy with regard to Haiti has not been clearly defined and Haitians can no longer risk being to thank you for the international community with its questionable strategies that contribute to the worsening situation on the ground.

indices received from the administration show that Obama's policy of interference by the Bush era in the internal affairs of Haiti is still in place despite the verbal commitment of President Obama to respect the sovereign rights friendly nations. It is therefore imperative that we define our future in Haiti despite the difficulties.

Those in attendance at these various events unison chanting:

No Aristide, no peace is our President Aristide

No Aristide, no second round
Aristide must return back
Cheers Aristide Haiti for Aristide

We want Titid
Aristide, the Haitian people would like to welcome Haiti

To understand the love of the Haitian people for their charismatic leader should speak directly to individually they can explain what it meant for them Aristide.

One participant in the march in that Miami has declared: "I like Aristide because a child, having neither father nor mother my life was very difficult. When I saw Titid take care of the poor and children it was as if he also took care of me. He gave hope to the masses who are experiencing a difficult life, there is not enough money on earth to express the value of his contributions to our people and for this I am eternally indebted to him. "

Aristide, a man of charisma and a revered politician:

Under President Jean-Bertrand Aristide, even with an estimated budget-a dismal note that talks about 13 billion bottles compared to 110 billion budget of the government he was able to make the necessary reforms and provide basic services to the impoverished masses.

10 commandments for a more equitable Haiti

1) The return of Mr. Aristide in Haiti: welcome President Jean Bertrand Aristide in Haiti
2) Respect for the concept: a man / woman, one vote in Haiti and around the world
3) Elimination of elections botched the November 28, 2010
4) Construction Viable for Haiti: a western part, we have 9 other departments where road construction can begin now (at least 5000.00 kms of roads, gutters, connectors, bridges, etc. .. ).
5) Start now to build network to power electric x other 9 departments of Haiti (provide at least 1500.00 MGW)
6) Drinking water for all to reduce the consequences of the impact of imported cholera in Haiti by UN troops (at least 10 water pipes)
7) construction of roads connecting all departments, including local communities.
8) A fixed telephone system to provide adequate service throughout the country (at least 1 million lines)
9) A mechanized agriculture and access to credit now
10) Increased access to education, the minimum construction a university in each department with a capacity of 10,000.00 students at least.

Yes we can and we must make a lasting change in Haiti! We

Obama voted for change, how long should we wait for Haitians see the changes promised by you to achieve Haiti? It is high time Mr. President pledged to spend as the imposition of the dialogue, the strength to speak, from promises to action.

Under your leadership, the UN organized elections in Haiti can, running our citizens tie the knot in their barracks. She distributed to Haitian cholera by contaminating their rivers. It has interfered in our internal affairs and your administration has made no clear and specific guidelines for Haiti?

course, we love you Obama, but now we look forward Haitian that you love us in return.

President Aristide is a Haitian politician who has the courage to raise the level of Haiti poor country to a nation living in poverty but with dignity to reach the stage of developing countries.

Street demonstrations for Aristide's return ended with the famous slogan of Lavalas

Divided we are weak, together we are strong in unity we are even more powerful! (Yon sèl new feb, Ansanm new fireplace, new Ansanm Ansanm is Lavalas!) / 19/us-haiti-aristide-protest-idUSTRE71I06A20110219


"One of our weaknesses, our strengths together, together, together we are Lavalas"

POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


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