Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Ship Live Fish


L'ADMINISTRATION DU PRESIDENTOBAMA ye NI DE NI political objectives specified for D'HAITI


La charset des Nations Unies signée the summer on 26 June, 1945 Date from which Haiti became an official member. The charter is effective October 24, 1945 with 27 members initially, so that at present there are 192.

Haiti was therefore present from the beginning. But despite its bid to democratic principles for over 200 years, and his position of seniority within the United Nations, no advantage was given to Haiti. While in Haiti is the mother of the principles of human rights in modern times, yet its citizens are in a perpetual struggle to save the precepts that the world has inherited of their ancestors since 1804.

Member Countries Date of admission

Argentina October 24, 1945

Belarus October 24, 1945

Brazil October 24, 1945

Chile October 24, 1945

China October 24, 1945

Cuba October 24, 1945

Denmark 24 October 1945

Dominican Republic Oct. 24, 1945

Egypt October 24, 1945

El Salvador October 24, 1945

France October 24, 1945

Haiti October 24, 1945

Iran October 24, 1945

Lebanon October 24, 1945

Luxembourg 24 October 1945

New Zealand October 24, 1945

Nicaragua October 24, 1945


October 24, 1945 Philippines October 24, 1945

Poland October 24, 1945

Russian Federation October 24, 1945

Saudi Arabia October 24, 1945

Syrian Arab Republic October 24, 1945

Turkey October 24, 1945

Ukraine October 24, 1945

United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland October 24, 1945

United States of America October 24, 1945

What that Haiti has received for its participation in UN missions from some sloppy without benefits that are for its citizens and the country as a whole?

UNMIH (1993-1996)

UNSMIH (1996-1997)

UNTMIH (1997)

MIPONUH (1997-2000)

MINUSTHA (2004-present)

After 20 years and over 4 billion dollars spent, the United Nations to this day can not show any concrete evidence of substantial achievement to justify these exorbitant sums spent in Haiti.

Haiti did not exhibit improvement: the security level, institutional capacity, either of its good governance and even fewer services available to its citizens ...

Did she elected domicile at us just to plunder our natural resources and profane memories of wonderful prowess of our brave ancestors?

UN interference in the politics of Haiti was in 1993 when the army of occupation left by Haiti overthrew the democratically elected government of President Aristide. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ITVKPVnSPko

A careful examination of the UN leadership clearly demonstrates that it does not really intended to ensure peace in member countries but rather to increase the control of the G8 countries on the least economically developed

Permanent members of UN

Among the permanent members of the United Nations, we find:

• The People's Republic of China

• France •


• The United Kingdom

• The U.S.

The direction of the organization for 70 years, speaks volumes of the high position that the UN wants to keep vis-à-vis less developed countries. Any country that is considering becoming a signatory of the UN should be very careful.

Secretaries General of the United Nations

From its inception until today we find the head of the UN:

a Trygve Lie Norway February 2, 1946 -10 November 1952

2 Dag Hammarskj Sweden April 10, 1953 -18 September 1961

3 U Thant Burma 30 November 1961 to 1 January 1972 Kurt Waldheim

4 Austria 1 January 1972 - 1st January 1982

5 Javier Perez de Cuellar of Peru 1 January 1982 - 1st January 1992

Boutros 6 Boutros-Ghali, Egypt 1 January 1992 - 1st January 1997

7 Mr Kofi Annan Ghana 1 January 1997 - 1st January 2007

8 Ban Ki-moon of South Korea January 1, 2007 - Today

The current Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon is a political schemer. From the beginning of his political career in South Korea, his tactics were first to strengthen its position in international politics. Although for the most part, before he was appointed secretary general of the UN, was regarded as a figure almost unknown and yet most of his policy initiatives in South Korea were pawns in a position to propel the top of the list among the applicants to the direction of the UN or to simply become the secretary general of the Organization.

Ban Ki-moon traveled extensively and participated in initiatives in a number of UN member countries. When he applied for the succession of Kofi Annan, it quickly became the darling of most of these countries with the veto in the Security Council because of his past relationships, which facilitated his accession to the direction of this dubious organization called the United Nations.

The UN has suffered a mortal blow when the U.S. war against terrorism was launched in 2001. All in all, at that time, the secretary general of the UN was a black man from Ghana. We must also remind the world that the Bush administration in its coercive diplomacy humiliating has further undermined the leadership of the UN, then led by Kofi Annan. The United Nations has been reduced to impotence, the war has continued as a "one-man show" with the support of the united states only to then be forced to get involved in Iraq.

Membership poor countries as signatories commanding such an organization biased, was considered a pass for the countries of the Council Security to get involved in their internal affairs as they see fit.

To support our assertion that Ban Ki-Moon is indeed a skillful diplomat and coercive.

achievements of the UN in Haiti, and in all countries around the world where the organization has established its missions have a poor record despite a plump budget of about 7 billion per year.

Although their responsibility is to ensure security in Haiti, after 7 years of operation, the situation is still tense. Security needs in Haiti was estimated at about 20,000 police officers or a combination of several security forces to protect maritime borders, space, land, etc..

With a goal as specific as you would think after 7 years of UN operation in Haiti would be able to say that the Haitian police are strengthened to 20,000. To date, however, police are still less than half of intent with a workforce of less than 10,000 police ALTHOUGH estimated at more than $ 4 billion has already been slammed by Minustha in Haiti. This mission is going back to 2004 until today a total failure.

Bearing the White House for a black man president, hope was still alive in the minds of Haitians in Haiti and abroad. Knowing that the U.S. president was close to the Haitian community in Chicago and seeing that he has taken care to put in his own administration, few Haitians supported. But unfortunately, this hope was quickly eroded and the change advocated by Obama will perhaps never be within reach of Haitians during the tenure of President Obama.

According to calculations by Ban Ki-Moon is therefore more important to protect the interests UN in Haiti in ensuring that the Obama administration, the largest contributor to the annual budget of the United Nations does not cling too much to their heels and demanding more concrete results.

is in this context that it was decided to hire a Washington insider to oversee the actions of the United Nations. The choice of former U.S. President Bill Clinton by the United Nations makes the task easier. The United Nations can continue to ignore demands that the Haitian government since Obama was not a specific objective and accurate for Haiti.

sure Obama administration remains passive in the face the dilemma of Haiti was relatively easy because Hillary Clinton, wife of Bill Clinton Secretary of State in charge of the priorities set by the U.S. State Department.

The Haitian people have once again been duped by the presence of President Clinton at the helm of decisions made on behalf of Haiti by the United Nations and the United States.

Bill Clinton, former President of the United States, now shows itself as incompetent as the Haitian government Préval / Bellerive.

He is revered by many Haitians of the fact that he had restored Aristide to power after its first military coup by sending a clear message to supporters of the coup, informing them that such behavior would not be tolerated. Yet this loving-kindness of the Haitian people for their benefactor is now crumbling.

Recruitment of Bill Clinton by the UN is in no way beneficial to Haiti. It was clearly demonstrated when he took with him to Haiti of former President George W. Bush, a man without compassion for Haiti and its people and its solemn declaration against the return of President Aristide in Haiti last year.

Aristide is a citizen than the majority of Haitians are waiting to see again on Haitian soil.

This rash statement of President Clinton says he has no respect for the will of the Haitian people.

Recently, President Aristide has again expressed his desire to return to Haiti to help his countrymen in the field of education.

Phillip J. Crowley and Mark C. Toner State Department issued a statement identical to that dubious President Bill Clinton has done in Haiti in 2010. This also proves that the State Department has no clear policy and specific for Haiti when we hear its representatives regurgitate the declaration of a UN employee when it comes to current events or news in Haiti.

Recruitment of Bill Clinton as special envoy of the UN in Haiti was a masterstroke of Ban Ki-moon which is fatal to Haiti.

President Clinton is a man who knows more or less the Haitian issue since he was involved in Haitian politics in the past and he now gave the final blow to Haiti using its influence with the U.S. government to hide the incompetence of the UN in Haiti.

Clear priorities that the American president should apply in Haiti have not been considered. A country where basic infrastructure is lacking, one might think that electricity, roads, fiber optic networks, the basic structures which lead to job creation, would be encouraged ... Not

President Clinton knows that if we want a meaningful and lasting change in Haiti, the UN mission should initiate projects to ease the burden of the masses to know : Access to jobs, food, education, potable water, health, etc.. A study commissioned by the United Nations called the Brahimi report has clearly outlined some of the measures required to qualify for a successful mission in Haiti to date, the UN has failed and refused to implement its own recommendations in favor of Haiti.

To add insult to injury, Paul Farmer considered a true friend of Haiti, has not since his appointment as representative of Bill Clinton in Haiti, did little to defend the record post-earthquake, the epidemic Cholera and the return of Jean-Bertrand Aristide in Haiti. These are subjects that were dear to him, however, before his appointment. He remained tight-lipped so as not to suffer the same fate as Seitenfus.

The UN offices are characteristic of its priorities in relation to their strategic relationships with influential members. Their headquarters are based in countries that are members of the Security Council or are major contributors to the annual budget of the UN. The permanent members

• China • France

• Russian Federation •

• United States

UN Agencies

Flag acronym Agency Country

1 FAO Food and Agriculture Rome, Italy 2

IAEA International Atomic Energy Agency Vienna, Austria

3 of ICAO Civil Aviation Organization in Montreal, Canada 4

IFAD International Fund for Agricultural Development Rome, Italy

5 ILO International Labour Organisation Geneva, Switzerland

6 of the IMO International Maritime Organization London, United Kingdom 7

IMF International Monetary Fund Washington, DC, USA,

8 ITU International Telecommunication Union, Geneva, Switzerland

9 UNESCO United Nations in Paris, France

Education, Scientific and Cultural

10 of UNIDO United Nations in Vienna, Austria

Industrial Development

11 UPU Universal Postal Union Berne, Switzerland

12 WB The World Bank Washington, DC, USA 13

WFP World Food Programme Rome, Italy

14 WHO World Health Organization Geneva, Switzerland

15 of the WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization Geneva, Switzerland

16 of the WMO World Meteorological Organization Geneva, Switzerland 17

UNWTO World Tourism Organization in Madrid, Spain

The UN funding should be of great importance for countries acceding to the UN Charter, s 'they do not want to be under the domination of imperialist nations and see them interfering in their internal affairs.

The 10 major donors to the UN budget in 2009

Member Countries % Contribution From the UN budget)

U.S. ; 22.00%
Japan ; , 16.624%
Allemagne                                   8,577%
Royaume-Uni                              6,642%
France                                        6,301%
Italie                                           5,079%
Canada                                      2,977%
Espagne                                     2,968%
La Chine                                    2,667%
Mexique                                    2,257% Other
182 member states contribute 23.908%

With an Obama administration without a specific political goal for Haiti, Paul Farmer and President Clinton are so thank you to the United Nations and Haiti remains in everything Micmac the biggest loser.

Clinton Down, down with the UN, long live the sovereign nation of Haiti fertilized with the blood of our ancestors.

God bless Haiti! ... ...

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POBOX 2252 Fort Pierce, Florida 34954


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